Active Users:463 Time:21/09/2024 08:17:00 AM
Aaaaaahhhh......things begin to focus. Jeordam Send a noteboard - 31/10/2018 05:29:25 PM

You work in a college campus. Things brings several things into alignment. I, on the other hand, work in Corporate America. I have since I earned my undergrad. So working through the examples you brought up....

1) Students fearful of their friends who are suddenly facing the possibility of deportation (for whatever reason, which has no bearing on the discussion), or their entry back into the country may be difficult...
- So if the student is here illegally. There's not much to say. I have compassion for the person. I have compassion for the situation. At the end of the day, they are here illegally. They have no right to be here. Whether it's been their home for their entire lives is besides the point. We, as a nation, need to find a solution for this group of individuals. Either they have a path to citizenship, they have to leave, or something in between. Ultimately, we are a nation of laws, and they are breaking one.

- If the student is from a nation on the banned list. What can one possibly say about this? That group of nations on the list isn't because they are "Muslim Countries", but instead because their State Department is not robust enough assist in the vetting process of possible terrorists. We have had a problem with Terrorist Activities here in the States. This is not an unreasonable thing.

2) Access to Contraception and his ability to take it away.

- You know what Trump can't do? Stop you from buying a product at the Pharmacy. Do those women want to buy contraception? They can go buy it. Can't afford it? Not my problem. Is this harsh? Absolutely. But having sex is not a human right.

3) A demagogue take power and threaten core pillars of the world you live in.

- I'd ask if you are joking, but I know that you are not. Not about the demagogue part, but the "core pillars" part. Fear of someone you know and their immigration status and contraception access are "core pillars" of their world? Yet I see in academia the actual core pillars of our society frayed around the edges. Can't have a conservative speaker....that's hate speech. I even saw a report that said a notable percentage of students think that violence is acceptable to stop perceived hate speech.

Their view of "core pillars" is seriously limited. I don't blame them for this though. I remember being in school. You think that because you are there, that your world is wide open and you are seeing it all. You aren't. You're seeing the world as viewed from someone inside a bubble. Most of those students don't know challenge or sacrifice. Passing a test or not going to a party so they can write a paper is neither a challenge nor sacrifice. They still think that they have "earned" that Spring Break. A whole week off to party without consequences.

When they get out of school and don't have parental resources to fall back upon, then they will begin to see those "core pillars". When their degree doesn't get them the job they want, but instead they have to work the job they have...just to survive. Then they are on the way. When they get to decide between getting the latest/greatest phone, or keeping their old one so that they can keep food/rent/bills current...that's sacrifice.

Like I wrote in a different post, I am not laughing or finding amusement in their pain. I'm exasperated and concerned that they are crumbling to such a degree under so little pressure. In regards to Trump, I may not like everything that he says, but I am liking more and more of what he does. I'm still awaiting a discussion on this board of the things that he has done...


ex-Admin at wotmania (all things wot & art galleries)
Saving the Princess, Humanity, or the World-Entire since 1985
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25% of millennial college students claim PTSD from the 2016 election - 23/10/2018 01:24:10 AM 835 Views
Apparently - 23/10/2018 02:12:54 AM 472 Views
Yeah I thought some of my labels might be wrong. - 23/10/2018 02:42:26 AM 362 Views
25% of baby boomers will share anything on the internet *NM* - 23/10/2018 04:55:23 AM 176 Views
do you have PTSD from the election too? *NM* - 23/10/2018 05:35:18 AM 196 Views
Probably not but I am sure Joel does. Mwahahahaha. - 23/10/2018 02:04:32 PM 349 Views
One misses his brevity. *NM* - 23/10/2018 04:25:24 PM 208 Views
No I don't have PTSD from the election. - 23/10/2018 07:07:21 PM 327 Views
So is it only the college students who are pathetic? - 23/10/2018 01:14:28 PM 353 Views
apparently this study was focused on college students - 23/10/2018 01:45:35 PM 374 Views
*shrugs* - 23/10/2018 02:53:40 PM 361 Views
We don't. I certainly don't. *NM* - 23/10/2018 04:23:55 PM 199 Views
If it helps, I came across an article recently... - 23/10/2018 06:49:22 PM 381 Views
I'm not sure we do. - 23/10/2018 07:14:46 PM 371 Views
Did you tell mook that? Seems he has trouble telling the difference. - 23/10/2018 07:34:16 PM 389 Views
and your point is....? - 23/10/2018 07:50:41 PM 340 Views
Sucks to be them. Losers. - 23/10/2018 02:03:38 PM 363 Views
Nope these are Gen Z (mostly) - 23/10/2018 07:16:46 PM 351 Views
That's not what that link says. - 23/10/2018 06:44:21 PM 398 Views
But it did suggest they are more likely to be diagnosed PTSD in the future as a result - 23/10/2018 06:51:47 PM 350 Views
And? That would be the case for any kind of 'event-related distress'. - 23/10/2018 07:08:13 PM 355 Views
Easy target because so many of them are horrible. *NM* - 23/10/2018 07:30:05 PM 207 Views
Easy target because every generation likes to pick on the youngsters of the next generation. - 23/10/2018 08:09:58 PM 358 Views
Bah! - 23/10/2018 08:13:23 PM 346 Views
It is what all the news accounts of the study say however. - 23/10/2018 07:48:56 PM 347 Views
So what you're saying is, you should be blaming the liberal media instead of liberal students? - 23/10/2018 07:57:53 PM 336 Views
It is a race to the bottom - 23/10/2018 08:11:39 PM 349 Views
just blame the libs. it's easier *NM* - 23/10/2018 08:12:30 PM 205 Views
Is it true though? - 23/10/2018 09:04:10 PM 368 Views
blame whomever you want... - 23/10/2018 09:08:14 PM 345 Views
I blame the "destructive spirit" - 23/10/2018 10:17:52 PM 395 Views
What's the mental disorder for failure to understand blended with glee at other's suffering? - 23/10/2018 09:51:00 PM 351 Views
It must be a heavy burden - 23/10/2018 09:54:56 PM 358 Views
The first noble truth is life is suffering - 23/10/2018 10:24:09 PM 356 Views
Roland, are you trying to redeem me... - 23/10/2018 11:45:42 PM 346 Views
Nope - 24/10/2018 12:14:06 AM 336 Views
My daughter got married on the 14th. That was full of joy. - 24/10/2018 12:59:10 AM 338 Views
Not really - 23/10/2018 11:13:26 PM 373 Views
You are such a sanctimonius prick - 23/10/2018 11:42:04 PM 356 Views
I seem to have hit a nerve - 24/10/2018 01:05:47 AM 371 Views
You misunderstand - 24/10/2018 01:15:55 AM 366 Views
Re: You misunderstand - 31/10/2018 03:01:11 PM 368 Views
Mookie please don't put words in my mouth / project my intentions onto others - 24/10/2018 01:16:52 AM 356 Views
Fair enough. I won’t use you as a reference again. *NM* - 24/10/2018 01:24:00 AM 204 Views
Feel free to use me as a reference - 24/10/2018 01:31:53 AM 340 Views
some suffering deserves ridicule - 29/10/2018 07:45:50 PM 336 Views
Really? - 31/10/2018 03:03:36 PM 339 Views
At least from where I'm sitting.... - 26/10/2018 04:31:35 PM 347 Views
Bingo - 26/10/2018 04:43:07 PM 367 Views
How will your "outrage" change the situation? - 26/10/2018 05:44:00 PM 327 Views
From here... - 26/10/2018 06:04:06 PM 340 Views
It won't. - 26/10/2018 06:04:52 PM 325 Views
Jeo, Mookie, lets go back some steps. - 26/10/2018 07:43:08 PM 341 Views
And that is the problem. Where you sit doesn't afford you enough insight, apparently... - 31/10/2018 02:58:12 PM 316 Views
Aaaaaahhhh......things begin to focus. - 31/10/2018 05:29:25 PM 309 Views

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