When we talk about societies losing themselves to decadence, this is the kind of shit we're talking about. Not people working "too little", or people living an "overly" hedonistic lifestyle. No, we're talking about society spending time and resources on this garbage. We're talking about people taking this seriously.
Half the things that people learn and research in college now is in the same vein. Esoteric bullshit that matters not even the tiniest fuck. I remember there was some movie about 15 years ago that had Gwyneth Paltrow in it. Half the movie was about them finding some letter to find out the state of mind of some poet on the day he wrote some poem. I mean, an entire career based on this bullshit. Decadence.
Or, if we want to just go with the flow, I'll say this to you: shut your top hole (that's your mouth, you unenlightened cretin), and let Xir call xir's private people parts whatever Xir wants to and then adopt the same for your own use.
-Samantha Jones, SatC