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Re: Thoughts/Questions *spoilers* Cannoli Send a noteboard - 04/05/2018 11:22:05 AM

I'm curious about this, for me the 3 surprise re-appearances would be Red Skull, Nick Fury and Maria Hill. However the only one of those played by a new actor is behind a ton of prosthetics and/or CGI so I'm guessing thats not the one you feel may be who are your 3?

No, that's what I meant.

I loved it. They are calling this "The Empire Strikes Back of this generation" and I couldn't agree more. Admittedly I'm a huge MCU fan, but this is probably the most ambitious blockbuster ever made (18 films leading up to it) which combines a ton of characters with their own on screen history, relationships and personalities and it completely nails them. Iron man feels like iron man, rocket feels like rocket, Dr Strange, Spiderman, Wong, Shuri, Vision, this isn't one of those crossover movies where the characters don't feel like themselves. The only real complaint I see from this movie is that it ends as a cliffhanger when they swore up and down that it wouldn't, but the counter argument to that is that the movie is Thanos' movie. He is the main character, has his journey and completes his goals.

It treats him like that, too. In the early MCU movies, Iron Man 2, Thor 1 & Captain America 1, there was a card at the end that said "{Title character} will return in 'The Avengers'". For this one, it said "Thanos will return in (sequel)"

No cliffhanger. Will all the dusted super heroes come back to life? 99.9% chance the answer is yes, even some of the ones who died before the snap may come back but if any are sticking it will be those ones (Heimdall, Loki, Gamora). I've also heard that the characters that take more of a back seat during this movie will have more to do in the next and vice versa and I am fine with that. I would have loved more hulk scenes and I know there are alot of Cap fans but I was fine with the Iron Man, Guardians and Thor show.

There has been alot of speculation that one or some of the core OG avengers would die with Iron Man and/or Cap as the main contenders. I was really against this as I want to see Iron Man 4..5..6..7.. lol however after watching the movie I feel like he may have outgrown his own franchise. His bleeding edge nano armor that becomes just about anything he needs it to be instantly (sword, rocket boost, extra weapons, sheild etc) is just way too over powered to realistically have a grounded 4th Iron Man movie, how would someone like Whiplash even stand a chance? I'm not saying I want him to die, I think he should semi retire. Go to run new Shield or new Avengers or whatever and just pop in for the Universe Ending threats.

Since they made a thing about him having his chest-doohickey put back in, maybe there can be a thing where the more advanced functions have limits, so he can go around doing the regular stuff. The problem with Iron Man is that instead of "super knight in shining armor", they went with "lateral-thinking tech genius futurist," which got some good character play, but means he has to keep improving in order to live up to the image of a tech genius. Also, sells more action figures. Although, you could keep doing that with slightly different armor. I think it would still be realistic and play to his inventor status to have the improvements be minor stuff that don't really alter his combat capabilities all that much, but which he gets excited about, maybe even to the eye-rolling of his friends. If you think about it, cars haven't changed much in their essential functions and performance over the last fifty years. It's still a four-wheeled thing that does roughly the same speed, has the same passenger capacity, and is operated in the same manner. If you learned to drive in the 1940s, you can operate a car that hits the market today. But there are all sorts of little things that have been added that might not change whether or not you can make a certain trip in a certain amount of time, but do greatly enhance the experience for the owner/operator/passengers, like wi-fi, DVD players, Bluetooth phone hookup, GPS, anti-lock breaks, airbags, etc. That might be a more realistic way of upgrading the Iron Man suits, and showing that Tony's still thinking and coming up with brilliant stuff, without breaking the limits in every movie.
There is also behind the scenes reports of a scene that features every single named actor in it. Everyone is speculating that it will be a funeral during A4, however I'm guessing it will actually be Tony and Pepper's wedding. There was alot of talk about it and even an on the fly invite to Wong. This would give A4 a happier ending (Return of the Jedi vs Empire) and let Tony have a send off as a married man / retired super hero (and father to be?).

They could also try to hit those character notes with Peter as his surrogate son. The way things have been going, he might make a good choice to take over as Iron Man. Like in the last Zorro movies, where Anthony Hopkins played the original Zorro, Diego de la Vega, and the main character, played by Antonio Banderas, was the new Zorro & his protegee. IIRC, there was a Batman cartoon years ago where a kid took over as Batman in the future, where Bruce Wayne was too old to do it, but served as a mentor. You could have something like that, where Tony CAN'T do the Iron Man stuff without his chest-thing flashing red, so he has to stay in a lab and send Peter out, and this is also presented as positive, because he has superpowers that let him survive suit accidents and malfunctions that would turn an ordinary person into a meatsack of bone jelly. Except, of course, they've already had Tony walk away from tons of stuff like that over the course of seven movies in which he was a major character, so introducing some realism into the canon at this point might be too little too late. And also, you can sell more tickets if Iron Man & Spider-Man are two different movie franchises.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Avengers:3 or maybe 4, it feels like there are four Infinity War (spoilers indicated) - 03/05/2018 03:40:14 AM 492 Views
Minor nitpick (spoilery) - 03/05/2018 03:52:59 AM 389 Views
Thanks for the review, when is the next one coming out? - 04/05/2018 03:39:41 AM 377 Views
May 3rd, 2019 - 04/05/2018 05:58:34 AM 400 Views
Thoughts/Questions *spoilers* - 04/05/2018 06:12:06 AM 447 Views
Re: Thoughts/Questions *spoilers* - 04/05/2018 11:22:05 AM 439 Views

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