No not really. I do give him credit for not taking his helmet off and beating someone with it. When they gave him enough time to throw the receiver dropped the pass. I was amazing.
The problem is I don't see anything good happening with my Cowboys anytime soon either. I have never been impressed with Dak and our receivers don't look as good without Tony throwing to them, sitting him for a rookie still pisses me off. We are the most predictable team in the NFL and I don't think anyone has told little Red that he is allowed to adjust his game plan at halftime. The game plan seems to begin and end with run the ball on first down, force a pass to Dez on second, which he drops, then throw a screen pass on third. To mix it up they change the order. The ability to me make safe throws from a clean pocket is essential for our offense to operate and we stumble if anyone can get past our O-line and put pressure on Prescott or worse yet manage to stop our running game.