Just got that debt cleared February of 2016, bit then in Feb. 2017 I was involved in an auto accident that caused $40,000 in damages and Im being taken to court Wednesday for 15,000 of those damages (my insurance alrwady paid out $10,000), so Im going to be back on the garnishment horse.
Had kids at 18 and 19 when I had no money and was living in a shit motel and had such a bad work history and no HS diploma so it was hard to find any kind of good paying work. Was kicked out of the house before I graduated at 18 and had nothing to support myself with at that time as I was given no warning it was going to happen. Had to get by with working instead of continuing HS at the local grocery store. Further education wasnt remotely an option at that point and it is now something I cant afford. I pay over 1/3rd of my income to child support, I make an hourly wage of 12.50 so my checks usually only clear about 500-540 after taxes and child support so once Miller Auto gets their claws on my check Im back to Ramen Noodles.
TL;DR: I made a lot of bad choices young, had kids too young, and didnt get an education when I had a chance. Ive turned th5invs around greatly in the last 5-6 years, but once I get my head above water, something comes along and dunks me back down.
Its my fault, no one else is to blame. I just wish 18 year old me knew just how hard the choices he made would make the rest of his life after.