There are social safety nets in this country. Were you find people going hungry is the US is when their parents sell their food stamps to buy crack. They real goal needs to be to elevate them out of poverty and telling them that all the problems in their life are the result of rich white males being greedy may get them to the ballot box but it undermines any real chance of helping them change the life choices that keep them in poverty.
I know minimum wage is one of the favorite battle cries of the alt left but they ignore things like the simple fact that half of all minimum wage workers are under the age of 24 and most still live with their parents. Not everyone who works needs to make enough money to support a family of four. My wife doesn't make enough money to support our family but that doesn't mean there is no value to us in what she does make.
One of the biggest lies is that minimum wage is just another form of racism despite the fact that 77% of them are white. I had a minimum wage job in high school and it did me a lot of good. I spent most of the money on pot and albums but I did learn how to show up at work and to be responsible, I did need to make enough money to support myself to get that benefit. Getting rid of those jobs because they are too expensive hurts the people who need them. No one would pay a 16 year that much money.
The world's do gooders need to take a Hippocratic Oath to first do no harm. Most of what they do is based on what feels good not what makes sense and seldom are they willing to look at the unintended consequences. They wanted to stop child labor in the rug industry in Afghanistan, seemed liked a noble cause but the kids are still hungry and now pick through trash looking for things to sell or eat. I doubt they are grateful for the "help"