Same principle. Stop ideas from not by countering them but by not allowing them to be heard. Only difference is the medium.
Sorry but you drove that one into the ditch. No one is claiming that anyone including the media shouldn't be allowed to practice self censorship but that isn't what happened here. The media wanted to air the interview and the people who were angry about it didn't do that rational thing which not watch but they used threats and intimidation to try and make sure no one else could see it as well. If you can't understand that difference then you have proven my about your understanding of freedom of speech.
Sorry but you just misunderstand what is libertarian. You have the right to spend money anyway you want but certain people in Connecticut don't think you should be allowed to watch an interview that offends them. Your logic follows the same flawed path that gives us the "I am tolerant of everything except intolerance" mindset.
I was being a bit hyperbolic with talking of lawsuits but something needs to be done to squash this epidemic of intolerance and censorship that has infested the modern left. They have taken the idea of civil disobedience and turned it from a tool used to bring light to issues that were being ignored and now use it as a hammer for their thought police ideals. A conservative, even a moderate one, can hardly speak at university with mobs have public funded overgrown children trying to stop them from speaking. This is not people exercising their rights but people who believe they have a moral obligation to interfere with the rights of others.
NBC is partially public since they are given exclusive access to billions of dollars worth of bandwidth. If they wanted to switch to 24/7 Islamic prayer instead preform the public service they were given that bandwidth to preform then they should give it back but other that you are correct to say they have the right. If some Christian fundamentalist organized a boycott of their sponsors I would call that censorship and would oppose it. You seem to be pretending that NBC decided to not air this for any other reason than threats to their sponsors. "keep spreading these ideas and the government will punish you" isn't really that different than "keep spreading these ideas and the angry mob will punish you"
The truly sad part is all the protesters did in this case is feed the paranoia of the people who listen to morons like this. More proof that they are "afraid of the truth"