I will answer this myself while pondering the other responses.
Clover Send a noteboard - 19/06/2017 11:47:43 AM
...I will also note that the apostrophe and quotes are not working on my keyboard; I am not intentionally avoiding contractions!
View original post1. When did you first come to wotmania, now RAFO?
I think I joined and started posting in late 2001, though I may have been poking around earlier. Eighth grade, 12-ish years old?
2. Of all the things which have changed in your life since then, which would surprise that past self the most?
Probably that I do not have kids. Granted, I am not exactly Sarai yet, but I always thought I would get married around 22/23 and have children within a couple of years. The first part came true, but not the second.
Other surprises - going back to school for a STEM degree, my health issues, and what I do for money these days.
3. Which former member(s) would you most like to see posting again?
Oh so many! I really think we need some more of the ladies to come back. (No offense, gents.) Camilla would be near the top for political discussions.
4. Which former member(s) are you most curious about? (In terms of where they ended up, etc.)
There are a few I wonder about... Kit, Dori, urza. But by far the most intriguing is Kris/The Choedan Kal. I really hope he is happy and doing well.
5. Tell me about something new you tried lately (author, food, product, experience, anything) that impressed you with its awesomeness.
All my immediate responses are either very boring and pastoral (snuggling baby goats, etc.) or, um, pharmacological in nature.
6. Do you keep a regular journal/diary? Have you ever done so?
I did as a teenager. Not for many years now. Facebook fills that role to some extent though.
7. Describe your dream home library.
Hobbit meets 19th century gentleman scientist: antique library tables, framed botanical prints and curiosities from around the world. Fireplace or wood stove in an inglenook. Comfy leather seating. The actual books would be organized in a borderline OCD way as in the library belonging to Tom. I might have one area for the sciences, another for history, a third for youth lit, and a fourth for adult fiction.
8. If you could learn any language overnight, which would it be?
I was going to say Finnish, but PIE is a pretty awesome answer, Roland!
9. What is your favorite mixed drink?
There is one at the local bar called Oak & Spice which I really like. I really like most scotch and gin drinks as long as they are not too sweet. But it is a special occasion thing - at home I like my whisky neat, like most of us here, it seems! Next time I will ask about favorite brand.
10. If you could go back in time to yourself at any age and deliver some advice (with assurances that your actions would not trigger any world-ending paradoxes), what would it be?
Honestly, this is a bit dark, but I would go back to 17 year old me and tell her to get away from my parents MUCH sooner. Go to CSU on the full ride, climb the mountains, forget UIUC, forget the Midwest. It would have been good for my mental health and might have saved my (literal/physical) spine, too. But on the flip side, I might not have wound up with my husband or modern-day family that way, and I would not trade them for anything.
A survey for the after-times
18/06/2017 09:34:45 AM
after times?
18/06/2017 01:11:10 PM
My answers
18/06/2017 04:17:45 PM
Answers from prior times
18/06/2017 10:06:39 PM
Gay people.
19/06/2017 01:44:32 PM
At the kind of social gatherings I attend, straight vodka shots are the easiest thing to do.
21/06/2017 06:49:23 AM
I feel like breaking your survey and having a conversation instead.
19/06/2017 01:38:16 AM
I will answer this myself while pondering the other responses.
19/06/2017 11:47:43 AM
Clover. Its been so long!
19/06/2017 02:10:02 PM
Answers as of today times.
22/06/2017 12:29:39 PM
24/06/2017 12:06:12 AM