Remember though, The wheel weaves as the wheel wills
Yes it is a big circle, it is a circle where patterns keep on repeating itself, but even if it's a circle we do not end up in the same place we started in. The snake / dragon / ouroboros continues to eat its own tail, but the snake is not the same at each stage of the journey as he was previously in previous lives. Aka metamorphosis happens.
This is why the wheel is not a perfect wheel but instead a spiral in many myths and religions. We do not return exactly to where it all began, but the cycle of change is constant so that each revolution of the wheel is different than all of them before hand.
Remember with eternal recurrence / eternal return that the universe will always continue, and until perfect happens (and I question the whole idea of perfection) us repeating the pattern of eternal recurrence / return is not a bad thing but instead something to rejoice in. This is not a new thought, this is not something that Robert Jordan / Brandon Sanderson but you can find these themes in Indian Philosophy and Religion, Chinese, Egyptian, Pythagorean Philosophies / Cults, Stoics, Aztec and Mayan, and so on (there are many more examples).
Rejoice Chora, and now I will leave you with the song Church on the Hill with Kotomine Kirei.