Journal: Entry for Joel
Constructive Criticism Concluded
Author: Joel Send a noteboard
Posted: 23/11/2010 05:42:26 PM
Views: 3982
It's all old and well trodden terrain at this stage, to no effect, and reiterating my same old concerns feels a little seditious. It also feels hypocritical since I respond to The Chat Longing with "either accept the alternatives provided and stop complaining or offer a better one and stop complaining, but stop complaining either way". If I can't resist responding to a legitimate question like the recent one, I'll try to keep it to a brief NB. Revisiting, on the CMB, the same tired and pointless debates I've joined so many times already just feels wrong. Apologies to those who got sick of it long before I did. None to those who resent the two WoT references. Hope for the best and plan for the worst, as they say....