Journal: Entry for callandor1000
So I didn't get the job I had wanted. I gave one of the best interviews, though. They had 50 or so applicants. They only gave 18 interviews, and they ended up taking 4 people. I was the 5th person. Apparently most of the interviews were bad, me and the guy at my store gave the two best. Unfortunately, he had a college degree and more experience in our pharmacy department so he got one of the spots over me. We were really pretty closely matched on things, so its not too bad he beat me out. The other three people were interviewing from higher positions, what we call an STL (store team lead) and so they already have management experience (since twice a week they have to perform management functions). We did both beat out another 4 STLs that gave awful interviews. I'm going to meet on Tuesday for an STL position, which is pretty much mine to lose. Its practically handed to me. So, come the next round of management promotions, I should be a lock.
Great experience, though. Apparently I impressed a lot of people!
Great experience, though. Apparently I impressed a lot of people!
even if you didn't get it
it sounds like you've only moved up, if not on paper. Good for you!
That's pretty good news still.
You are impressive.
Apparently I impressed a lot of people!
You are impressive.