Active Users:331 Time:16/09/2024 07:51:34 PM
I say let 'em go back to Canada kcf Send a noteboard - 04/09/2009 08:59:46 PM
I live in Arizona and was in the Phoenix area for 10 years when they first moved there. The Coyotes have made bad decision after bad decision since they got here.

The worst decision came when they wanted to build a new arena - they built it in Glendale (a suburb way on the west side of town). By doing this they made it relatively impossible for half the city to come to their games and cut it off from future access to good public transportation (the light rail system that's open now).

I attended games semi-regularly when they were downtown, but haven't seen one since they moved. I know lots of people like this. Combined with the fact that who knows what TV station hockey comes on these days, they never had a chance to build up a good base - heck demographics of the Phoenix area alone would have let them know that the majority of Canadian ex-pats in the Phoenix area live in Scottsdale, which is about 40 mi. from Glendale.

A clean start in Canada will be the best thing for them at this point (and not many people in Arizona will notice when they leave).
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Any hockey fans around? What's your opinion on the whole Coyotes situation? - 04/09/2009 06:35:52 PM 654 Views
I hate when teams move - 04/09/2009 06:51:22 PM 416 Views
I'm always reminded of the opening of the movie BASEketball. - 04/09/2009 07:01:09 PM 407 Views
Heh, what a terrible movie - 04/09/2009 07:10:25 PM 363 Views
I thought it was hilarious. *NM* - 04/09/2009 07:17:02 PM 182 Views
Me too, that's why I have it on DVD.... - 04/09/2009 07:19:32 PM 375 Views
Rather humorous - 04/09/2009 08:10:07 PM 411 Views
I say let 'em go back to Canada - 04/09/2009 08:59:46 PM 617 Views
argh! - 05/09/2009 03:13:53 PM 511 Views

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