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Okay, two things first... Legolas Send a noteboard - 19/03/2010 08:59:57 PM
Firstly, let me make clear that the stances I'm describing here are not necessarily my own - I describe the stance of my more pro-Palestinian compatriots here, I'm rather more balanced myself, thanks in part to the many contacts with Americans (and two Israelis, one of them being AO).

Secondly, you aren't exactly being fair when you try to deride Europeans as hypocrites for giving so much more attention to the Israeli/Palestine conflict than to other conflicts, when Americans do precisely the same thing - merely on the other side.

What has otherwise gained them? Palestine is the black knight from Monty Python they keep attacking and they keep getting parts lopped off every time they do but they still coming and keep losing parts. Is that the otherwise you are referring to?

To go with your amusing Monty Python analogy, all their limbs are already cut off. There's nothing more left to cut off, whether they are peaceful or not. Obviously negotiations can't happen at a time when they're regularly firing missiles, but as I said, there have been times that they didn't fire missiles, and in fact aren't firing missiles now (except for the one yesterday). They can and most likely will get negotiations without prior disarmament, without going the Gandhi way, and since it's unlikely that Israel would suddenly start making additional concessions if they did go the Gandhi way, I really don't see any reason why they'd do it. That's my point.

Why is Israel a first world state and Russia is not? What does Israel have the Russia does not? Sorry but it sounds like Europe wants Israel to pay for their sins like some sort of modern nation turned into a whipping boy.

Um... because it isn't? Israel has a GDP, a democracy, a society that is comparable to those in the West if you ignore the Palestinian issue. Russia does not - less than half Israel's wealth per capita, and a one-party democracy with a desire for strong leaders overwhelming the desire for real democracy. I would think all that is rather obvious, but of course if it gets in the way of your righteous indignation and attempts to claim moral superiority...
Chechnya is a conquered people where resistance has been brutally and violently suppressed and where it continues to be suppressed. The Russians have managed to beat them down so and disappear a lot of the resistance but it does still continue . The excuse that Europe is paying attention to Palestine and ignoring Chechnya is every bit as thin as the argument that Israel should be held to a higher standard then Russia because it is a first world nation. It is a tiny nation surrounded by enemies that are much larger and aggressive.

Let's see, for the part about paying attention, pot blaming the kettle, see above. For the part about the first world nation, see above as well. That leaves us with the part about the Chechnyans being a conquered people - yes, they are, but they've been part of the Soviet Union/Russia for a century or most likely more, and they had full civil rights as such. From what I know about the Soviet Union, probably a limited form of cultural rights as well. One can support their separatism or not, but comparing it to the situation in the Israeli/Palestine conflict is a serious stretch.
Sorry none of that explains why Europeans are so passionate about Palestine but downgrade Chechnya to a mere "separatist movement". If Europeans were really outraged about powerful European nation (which Russia is and Israel is not) occupying and brutally suppressing resistance they would be much more upset about Chechnya then Palestine. If Chechnya was lobbing rockets into major Russian cities on a regular basis do you think the Russians would be as gentle as Israel has been?

Covered all of this above.
The idea the Europeans can decide the Israelis should be pacifist because they were so badly mistreated in he past (by said Europeans no less) is the most misguided thing I have heard in some time. Being the victims of genocide makes you want to ensure you are never that weak again it does inspire you to learn to turn the other cheek just like being the target of terrorist attacks for decades does not make you more inclined to generosity towards the people attacking you. With nations like Iran vowing to destroy Israel and working to build nuclear weapons the idea that Israel should pacifist is a little mind boggling.

Most Europeans weren't exactly involved in said mistreatment, but why let that get in the way of good rhetoric. As for your actual point, like I said, I don't necessarily agree with the stance, and I can see why you'd call it misguided, but I can also see where they're coming from. If you're interested in actually understanding these things, I'm sure you can if you do some effort (I'll give you a few hints to get started: 1948 did happen after 1945, and Israel occupied the Palestinian territories for over twenty years after the 1967 war). Of course, if you're going to pretend that Israel was the innocent victim not only in the Holocaust but also in the Israeli-Palestine conflict, I can see how that fiction would get in the way of things a little.
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Turkey threatens to expel 100,000 Armenians - 17/03/2010 05:10:26 PM 842 Views
Why not let sleeping dogs lie? - 17/03/2010 05:22:34 PM 354 Views
No - 17/03/2010 06:17:50 PM 348 Views
Everyone else knows what happened.... - 17/03/2010 06:35:37 PM 393 Views
Every nation has to come to grips with the "sins of its past". - 18/03/2010 01:30:56 AM 306 Views
Erdogan is the Middle East's Chavez. *NM* - 17/03/2010 06:38:00 PM 168 Views
I think Lieberman has the better claim there. *NM* - 18/03/2010 03:39:29 AM 144 Views
Hardly. Lieberman makes sense - 18/03/2010 05:34:43 PM 282 Views
I've read some articles saying otherwise. - 18/03/2010 05:49:52 PM 329 Views
Torpedoing Biden's mission ? What a sad joke. - 18/03/2010 06:22:37 PM 287 Views
Would you like to call it something else? - 18/03/2010 06:26:34 PM 330 Views
Because Obama was looking for a way to get offended - 18/03/2010 06:54:55 PM 474 Views
Your problem is that a "settlement freeze" doesn't impress anyone at all. - 18/03/2010 07:16:55 PM 293 Views
Maybe we should just ask the Palestinians if we can keep Tel Aviv ? - 18/03/2010 07:44:07 PM 263 Views
If you want anyone to be impressed, yes. - 18/03/2010 09:03:11 PM 254 Views
How is it too much when there is a freeze ? - 18/03/2010 09:22:03 PM 326 Views
You call this a freeze? - 18/03/2010 09:43:52 PM 362 Views
Not your sourness silly. Obama's - 18/03/2010 10:15:56 PM 297 Views
Ah. - 18/03/2010 10:22:58 PM 272 Views
And you know what really annoys me ? - 18/03/2010 10:53:13 PM 328 Views
How long are supposed to stop building for? - 18/03/2010 09:32:58 PM 277 Views
How about permanently? - 18/03/2010 09:50:46 PM 343 Views
I don't think i agree that the condidtions for peace or that well known - 19/03/2010 04:32:37 AM 243 Views
Major conditions - 19/03/2010 09:59:37 AM 308 Views
Re: Major conditions - 19/03/2010 01:26:54 PM 298 Views
Seriously, what conflict are you looking at? - 19/03/2010 01:56:24 PM 421 Views
Re: Seriously, what conflict are you looking at? - 19/03/2010 04:47:07 PM 298 Views
Ah, good point there... I was kinda thinking of the West. - 19/03/2010 08:31:11 PM 314 Views
well I wasn't talking about how anyone treated but who was making the decisions - 19/03/2010 09:24:47 PM 365 Views
That really isn't a very useful observation at this point, though. - 19/03/2010 09:32:30 PM 272 Views
Man, your analysis is weird - 20/03/2010 11:24:40 AM 565 Views
I'm a bit confused what you're saying exactly... - 20/03/2010 04:10:14 PM 309 Views
How so ? - 20/03/2010 11:04:30 PM 254 Views
It was over because Israel wanted it to be over. - 20/03/2010 11:24:33 PM 294 Views
Maybe. - 21/03/2010 12:23:58 AM 366 Views
Re: Major conditions - 19/03/2010 03:01:42 PM 407 Views
They don't exactly have much that they *can* give up. - 19/03/2010 10:46:35 AM 320 Views
I don't want them to give up anything more then the violience - 19/03/2010 01:55:51 PM 309 Views
That's simple enough: Israel is a first world state. - 19/03/2010 02:13:17 PM 267 Views
That is a little thin - 19/03/2010 03:27:10 PM 346 Views
Israel has been a democracy since its inception - 19/03/2010 04:01:30 PM 368 Views
Okay, two things first... - 19/03/2010 08:59:57 PM 371 Views
That's ridiculous. - 18/03/2010 06:53:40 PM 348 Views
Truly I cannot answer that. - 18/03/2010 07:00:58 PM 269 Views
It is pretty crude - 17/03/2010 11:15:28 PM 364 Views
This. Nicely put. *NM* - 18/03/2010 03:29:02 AM 138 Views
Why is recognizing a 100-year-old evil in his country's past "backing him into a corner"???? - 18/03/2010 11:41:05 AM 317 Views
The guy who has managed to face down one military coup from a sector that doesn't want it admitted? - 18/03/2010 12:39:46 PM 395 Views
Turkey's atrocities against the Kurds are what I referred to. - 18/03/2010 02:00:58 PM 312 Views
Ah, well that is a different matter - 18/03/2010 02:31:58 PM 371 Views
Why is it so hard for you people to see that the AKP are the "good guys" in Turkey? - 18/03/2010 01:44:13 PM 287 Views
There are no "good guys" in Turkey, at least not in the government. - 18/03/2010 01:57:44 PM 268 Views
Equating the two is ridiculous. - 18/03/2010 02:13:37 PM 399 Views
My issues are not with a lack of democracy and I don't equate the AKP and the military - 18/03/2010 02:35:00 PM 396 Views
The AKP is not anti-American. - 18/03/2010 03:02:00 PM 287 Views
Its better than the alternative - 18/03/2010 01:11:07 AM 425 Views
So they respond to claims of genocide with threats of ethnic cleansing? Terrible. Just terrible. - 18/03/2010 11:39:31 AM 301 Views
Nicely put *NM* - 18/03/2010 04:22:58 PM 144 Views
Money. - 18/03/2010 05:47:27 PM 257 Views
Unlikely. - 18/03/2010 08:51:28 PM 279 Views
I agree. What they are doing now only makes things worse for them - 18/03/2010 08:48:25 PM 241 Views

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