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You'd rather he walk free on a technicality? Tim Send a noteboard - 17/03/2010 11:28:30 PM
If he's taken it most certainly won't be on US soil, he will be a prisoner of war, who have a completely different set of rights from someone arrested here in the states.

Presumably you're referring to the rights listed in the Third Geneva Convention. "Prisoner of War" is defined by Article 4 of that Convention. Osama bin Laden does not meet any of the definitions in Article 4. Therefore, he would not be a prisoner of war if captured. If you think he would, please tell me which one you think he meets. If you're not using the Geneva Convention definition of a PoW, please tell me which rights you're referring to.

Treating him as a common criminal that you would arrest for stealing, or whatever is an absurd notion. The crimes he committed were of a military nature, regardless of the fact that he acted as part of an organization not a country. A military tribunal is more than he deserves, but legally it's what he should get.

Why is it an absurd notion? Is mass-murder committed by Islamic fundamentalists somehow a qualitatively different crime from mass-murder committed by anybody else? If so, what's your legal authority for that proposition? If you're going to have a society run by laws instead of one run by the whim of the ruler (otherwise known as tyranny), you don't get to make the laws up as you go along.

I think the "absurd notion" is that with less serious crimes like theft, you have to prove the person committed them before locking them away, but with the most serious crimes like mass-murder you get to lock someone up and throw away the key, or even execute them, without establishing that the person did anything. Shouldn't we treat more serious crimes in a more serious manner? Or are we going to find people guilty of the most serious crimes imaginable in the same way that a teacher finds children guilty of passing notes in class: by simply saying they are and giving them no chance to appeal?

However I do agree with you that his response was a cop out.

It's a very emotive issue – I don't blame him for not wanting to inflame half of America by giving the correct answer (that he would have to be Mirandized).
Vigilantibus non dormientibus jura subveniunt.

—Nous disons en allemand : le guerre, le mort, le lune, alors que 'soleil' et 'amour' sont du sexe féminin : la soleil, la amour. La vie est neutre.

—La vie ? Neutre ? C'est très joli, et surtout très logique.
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AG Eric Holder evades questioning - 17/03/2010 05:34:40 PM 651 Views
Why should he be read miranda rights? - 17/03/2010 05:50:29 PM 437 Views
You'd rather he walk free on a technicality? - 17/03/2010 11:28:30 PM 400 Views
Line 1 - 18/03/2010 07:14:56 AM 531 Views
Last I checked, al-Qaeda isn't a party to the Geneva Convention. - 18/03/2010 09:16:15 AM 457 Views
I suppose I must concede however, ...... - 18/03/2010 10:20:40 AM 478 Views
just to play devil's advocate... - 18/03/2010 05:18:16 PM 390 Views
Not to mention Miranda is crap anyway. - 19/03/2010 10:18:46 PM 382 Views
*shrugs* - 17/03/2010 11:10:47 PM 398 Views
That doesn't seem very logical - 18/03/2010 12:03:21 AM 485 Views
It is very possible - 18/03/2010 02:12:21 AM 346 Views
Re: It is very possible - 18/03/2010 02:31:59 AM 451 Views
You do remember "I do not recall" Gonzalez right? *NM* - 18/03/2010 02:38:48 AM 163 Views
Actually not really, I was out of the country for almost his entire tenure - 18/03/2010 02:41:13 AM 361 Views
Pretty much there was some political firings of Us Attorneys - 18/03/2010 02:56:01 AM 398 Views
I remember a little of that - 18/03/2010 03:16:27 AM 381 Views
Gonzales flat out lied to congress - 18/03/2010 03:29:14 AM 370 Views
I don't think I agree with that. - 18/03/2010 02:04:48 PM 386 Views
Fair enough - 18/03/2010 02:40:42 PM 381 Views
You guys are forgetting the intel aspect. - 18/03/2010 09:40:53 PM 402 Views
do we know how much he actually knows? - 18/03/2010 09:49:50 PM 377 Views
Kinda hard to find out if he knows anything if he's dead *NM* - 18/03/2010 09:56:18 PM 175 Views
that was totally not my question - 19/03/2010 12:10:06 AM 372 Views
So in sum you are saying - 19/03/2010 12:20:27 AM 389 Views
LOL, it wasn't exactly clear - 19/03/2010 01:42:18 AM 381 Views
Yah, I was just curious how much we were assuming he knew - 19/03/2010 03:05:26 AM 352 Views
I can understand why he'd want to evade answering. - 18/03/2010 03:23:04 AM 447 Views

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