I have received a couple of conditional offers from the Universities I have applied to. So I was wondering that would I be guaranteed a place if I meet those conditions? Or is it more that I will have a very good chance but not a guaranteed one.
For e.g Say a university gives me an offer contingent upon my getting 80% in my exams. If I get 80.5 %, does that mean that I will definitely get a place or does it only mean that I have a chance of getting in?
For e.g Say a university gives me an offer contingent upon my getting 80% in my exams. If I get 80.5 %, does that mean that I will definitely get a place or does it only mean that I have a chance of getting in?
Elayne: See this chin? I will raise it.
Let the Lord of Lurkers rule
Let the Lord of Lurkers rule
Question regarding UK University admission.
26/02/2010 01:33:25 PM
From memory....
26/02/2010 01:47:43 PM
As others have said, the University's offer is legally binding (subject to the condition).
26/02/2010 06:08:19 PM
Re: As others have said, the University's offer is legally binding (subject to the condition).
26/02/2010 06:17:21 PM