1. Do you primarily read or watch?
I don't really watch the TV, by which I mean my eyes tend to be elswehere when it's on, so most of my entertainment comes from books, net articles, audiobooks and radio. For audio-only I can do other things without missing anything, TV you really do miss stuff if you're only listening and glancing. I mostly just like to have some sort of background noise at all times too.
2. Everybody may fudge on the question, but do you think that show/site/paper/mag/etc is biased or reasonably fair?
Depends on what you mean by 'fair', a lot of people think 'critical' is anti-thetical to 'fair', whereas I consider them synonmous. However I don't consider 'critical' synonmous with hyperbole, mudslinging, BS emotional arguments, etc. In this regard, I'd say most of my news sources are fairly fair.
3. Do you find yourself reading/watching things that fit your view, or do you try to pick other sources to make yourself read/watch something you find less pleasant (be honest!)?
Both, in terms of outright partisan slant, I happen to enjoy listening to Rush, Miller, and NPR... the first two are very entertaining, the latter is always on and holds to my idea of fair news outlet even if they are nearly as slanted as Rush. It's important to get both sides, and kind of a waste of time and energy hunting for unslanted news. I make a point of getting my leftist take on things from writers or hosts who tend to be drier and analysis oriented to avoid getting ticked off at slurs directed against my own side, but I still get it. Obviously I don't care about slurs directed at the otherside since those don't distract me and I often find them funny. You'll get as much news listening to Rush, if you're right wing, as anything else, because he covers it all, usually just quoting the whole thing, and you're not getting distracted by being ticked at him, I assume the same is true for leftist radio or blog.
4. Other than read and find out, do you contribute comments to websites (having to do with news, political debates, etc- not exactly talking youtube here)?
This is about the only place I actually discuss politics, but I post on other forums that interest me, I just happen to like the direct reply format we have here.
5. Do you typically read the comments, regardless of whether you participate? While we're on the subject, can you name a site where one can generally find semi-reasonable comments?
I do read comments on other sites, I just rarely leave any, and when I do it's stuff like "Correction, X is the co-director of Y, not it's owner" or "They are based out State of CAlifornia, not the State of San Diego" but I do like the comments because barring the majority of pointless or nasty comments, much like the discussion page on a wiki article, you tend to get a good counterpoint or support on the spot. On any controversial issue, the wiki is very watered down, where as the discussion page has all the stuff and people's arguments over veracity and appropriateness, which is usually more useful.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
Where do you get the majority of your news?
10/02/2010 12:08:05 PM
I don't trust liberal main stream media, so I go to extremist blogs. Wack jobs give unbiased news
10/02/2010 12:37:19 PM
Well being one of the chosen most of it comes from God by way of little voices in my head
10/02/2010 02:34:28 PM
Re: Well being one of the chosen most of it comes from God by way of little voices in my head
10/02/2010 06:57:56 PM
In Sweden
10/02/2010 03:04:12 PM
Aftonbladet FTW! *NM*
10/02/2010 03:25:29 PM
10/02/2010 03:40:03 PM
Oh I know, I was just kiddin
10/02/2010 03:48:02 PM
Expressen is worse, though
10/02/2010 03:53:18 PM
Aftonbladet has a decent sports issue at least. Even though they suffer from some...
10/02/2010 05:14:53 PM
Mostly radio and net
10/02/2010 03:42:53 PM
The Economist, The New York Times, the BBC, sometimes CNN or Fox
10/02/2010 04:28:13 PM
Re: The Economist, The New York Times, the BBC, sometimes CNN or Fox
10/02/2010 07:09:27 PM
Re: Where do you get the majority of your news? *NM*
10/02/2010 06:53:56 PM
You need to work on your quote-fu *NM*
10/02/2010 09:25:30 PM
Google News, really. I also read The Economist. I'm trying to start listening to NPR daily. *NM*
10/02/2010 11:29:48 PM