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BROWN WINS! Let's celebrate the end of ObamaCare!!! Tom Send a noteboard - 20/01/2010 02:20:22 AM
Political correctness is the pettiest form of casuistry.

ἡ δὲ κἀκ τριῶν τρυπημάτων ἐργαζομένη ἐνεκάλει τῇ φύσει, δυσφορουμένη, ὅτι δὴ μὴ καὶ τοὺς τιτθοὺς αὐτῇ εὐρύτερον ἢ νῦν εἰσι τρυπώη, ὅπως καὶ ἄλλην ἐνταῦθα μίξιν ἐπιτεχνᾶσθαι δυνατὴ εἴη. – Procopius

Ummaka qinnassa nīk!

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BROWN WINS! Let's celebrate the end of ObamaCare!!! - 20/01/2010 02:20:22 AM 1447 Views
My vote put him over the top!!!! *NM* - 20/01/2010 02:22:50 AM 420 Views only voted once? - 20/01/2010 02:24:42 AM 685 Views
I had planned to post a fake-news joke post earlier. - 20/01/2010 02:27:14 AM 826 Views
The joke is even less funny when written. - 20/01/2010 02:51:18 PM 674 Views
*dances with you* - 20/01/2010 02:24:17 AM 692 Views
Because of Brown or because of dancing with me? *NM* - 20/01/2010 02:25:24 AM 425 Views
Its hard to pick. *NM* - 20/01/2010 02:27:31 AM 364 Views
Don't jinx it - 20/01/2010 02:27:25 AM 808 Views
It's a win-win situation as far as I'm concerned. - 20/01/2010 02:33:16 AM 720 Views
God I love reading the shit at DailyKos right now. - 20/01/2010 02:45:23 AM 776 Views
Actually, there is a chance they can use reconiliation to pass it. I hope not. - 20/01/2010 02:46:47 AM 813 Views
If they did that, they'd be signing their own resignations. - 20/01/2010 02:54:56 AM 731 Views
Probably so but Pelosi did bring it up a few weeks ago. - 20/01/2010 04:05:17 AM 713 Views
Pelosi never thought it would come to this a few weeks ago. - 20/01/2010 04:18:15 AM 728 Views
Re: Pelosi never thought it would come to this a few weeks ago. - 20/01/2010 04:48:32 AM 699 Views
They can, theoretically. - 20/01/2010 12:30:42 PM 704 Views
*does a cartwheel* - 20/01/2010 03:07:00 AM 811 Views
If this isn't a wake up call to the democratic party... - 20/01/2010 03:39:36 AM 734 Views
I guess it depends on the wake up call's message. - 20/01/2010 03:45:38 AM 756 Views
indeed - 20/01/2010 03:51:39 AM 781 Views
Seriously?? - 20/01/2010 03:54:56 AM 820 Views
The Democrats have the arrogance to say "people don't understand the Health Care Bill". - 20/01/2010 03:57:17 AM 768 Views
agreed... *NM* - 20/01/2010 05:14:04 AM 473 Views
That is fucking nuts. *NM* - 20/01/2010 04:06:48 AM 463 Views
Celebrate good times come on! - 20/01/2010 03:53:01 AM 699 Views
I'm in no mood to celebrate - 20/01/2010 04:34:42 AM 855 Views
Re: I'm in no mood to celebrate - 20/01/2010 04:52:16 AM 736 Views
If it'd numb the pain, I'd take it gladly right now! - 20/01/2010 05:47:04 AM 681 Views
Re: If it'd numb the pain, I'd take it gladly right now! - 20/01/2010 06:12:34 AM 823 Views
Do you honestly think this bill would help you? - 20/01/2010 02:21:02 PM 735 Views
just wondering.... - 21/01/2010 01:56:05 AM 747 Views
Well lucky you - 21/01/2010 09:09:16 PM 809 Views
I don't understand this - 20/01/2010 09:07:09 AM 1018 Views
Re: I don't understand this - 20/01/2010 12:43:39 PM 856 Views
That would be so massive a reform that it would never ever pass. - 20/01/2010 12:47:23 PM 784 Views
I think "tries" is the key word here. - 20/01/2010 07:44:53 PM 744 Views
Yeah, that's true. *NM* - 20/01/2010 10:05:15 PM 396 Views
I think.... - 20/01/2010 12:52:07 PM 778 Views
There are a lot of reasons - 20/01/2010 02:13:58 PM 741 Views
That was a really good response. *NM* - 20/01/2010 02:54:36 PM 510 Views
Re: There are a lot of reasons - 20/01/2010 03:02:48 PM 775 Views
There is the overtreatment aspect as well, of course. *NM* - 20/01/2010 03:46:45 PM 395 Views
Re: There are a lot of reasons - 20/01/2010 05:01:31 PM 765 Views
Re: There are a lot of reasons - 20/01/2010 11:00:11 PM 954 Views
I think your misunderstanding comes from one concept you mention. - 20/01/2010 04:57:27 PM 820 Views
Re: I don't understand this - 20/01/2010 07:56:02 PM 735 Views
*celebrates the beginning of the downfall of the USA* *NM* - 20/01/2010 12:39:19 PM 388 Views
Want some sugar with those grapes? *NM* - 20/01/2010 12:41:33 PM 378 Views
Beginning? *NM* - 20/01/2010 12:47:51 PM 354 Views just keep thinking that... *NM* - 20/01/2010 02:15:41 PM 338 Views
The beginning!? Ha! *NM* - 20/01/2010 07:47:57 PM 345 Views
This is excellent. I am happy. - 20/01/2010 01:50:22 PM 718 Views
I'm not really familiar with Coakley or Brown - 20/01/2010 02:22:51 PM 758 Views
"not the gay things" XD *NM* - 20/01/2010 07:47:00 PM 365 Views
I do hope this doesn't turn Obama into a lame duck. *NM* - 20/01/2010 02:07:34 PM 404 Views
Frankly, I hope it does. *NM* - 20/01/2010 02:15:11 PM 370 Views
Agreed. *NM* - 20/01/2010 10:23:17 PM 362 Views
And then what will happen after that? - 20/01/2010 10:35:46 PM 870 Views
It would mean, effectively, that Congress controls the domestic agenda and Hillary foreign affairs. - 20/01/2010 10:52:24 PM 567 Views
That's kind of ironic... - 20/01/2010 11:15:05 PM 877 Views
And condemn more people to untimely deaths? - 20/01/2010 02:33:08 PM 722 Views
Pity, that there is no government sanctioned murder of the stupid. - 20/01/2010 02:52:52 PM 652 Views
I think the technical term is "dumbicide". - 20/01/2010 03:00:13 PM 759 Views
Don't the Darwin Awards help with that? *NM* - 20/01/2010 03:50:37 PM 385 Views
Oh dear. - 20/01/2010 07:42:18 PM 801 Views
Bah! - 20/01/2010 07:45:48 PM 690 Views
The elderly, eh? Too bad we don't have a program for that. *NM* - 20/01/2010 03:01:40 PM 427 Views
They had their whole lives to save up! F*** 'em. *NM* - 22/01/2010 01:12:20 PM 590 Views
I thought it was time for another such celebration... - 20/01/2010 03:35:28 PM 768 Views
That thud you heard was the lid dropping on the coffin - 20/01/2010 03:49:21 PM 775 Views
True, but it is now finally DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 21/01/2010 01:08:12 AM 759 Views
I keep thinking this thread title says, "BROWNS WIN!" - 21/01/2010 02:21:24 PM 684 Views
Lack of Health Care Reform means American Wage Stagnation - 21/01/2010 06:38:11 PM 876 Views

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