Active Users:364 Time:28/09/2024 08:43:51 AM
Well, I have to admit, it does come off that way... Isaac Send a noteboard - 06/01/2010 07:17:01 AM
In fairness, I was primed from reading the article to see it that way, but I bet I would have caught it anyway.

Still, they make fried chicken, it is literally what they are named for, I'm not sure how they couldn't accidentally do that at some point.

Commercial A: (McD's) Asian girl at counter hands a redhead his order of fries, he says, "I love fries" and she smiles.

Commercial B: (KFC) White guy at counter hands black guy his bucket of chicken, he says "I love fried chicken" and the counter guy smiles.

I'm not really sure how a corporation that manufactures an item associated with a stereotype can actually be accused of racism while hawking their wares, short of not having a single black person ever in their commercials, which actually would be racist. I seriously doubt most people watching A would even note the redhead dude was probabably irish and was ordering potatoes, I wouldn't, and irish is one of my larger chunks in my standard Amero-mutt ancestry. It's the exact same thing.

This is retarded PC dumbness, since to assume it was deliberate would require one to assume KFC had a corporate death wish.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein

King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
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'Racist' KFC cricket ad causes uproar in US - 06/01/2010 04:57:29 AM 859 Views
I suppose it could have been worse... - 06/01/2010 05:17:44 AM 389 Views
That would be tough to do in a 30 second ad spot *NM* - 06/01/2010 05:18:24 AM 139 Views
oh sure, more racist commentary? - 06/01/2010 05:21:57 AM 388 Views
- 06/01/2010 05:23:06 AM 347 Views
Well, I have to admit, it does come off that way... - 06/01/2010 07:17:01 AM 462 Views
hehe that's dumb *NM* - 06/01/2010 07:57:17 AM 125 Views
If it had been made in or for the US, sure. But it wasn't. - 06/01/2010 07:58:52 AM 394 Views
what he said. - 06/01/2010 08:02:02 PM 318 Views
True this. - 07/01/2010 03:43:37 PM 342 Views
KFC sells french fries? *NM* - 06/01/2010 08:04:20 AM 137 Views
I've never been to one. - 06/01/2010 08:50:46 AM 355 Views
Re: I've never been to one. - 06/01/2010 07:59:12 PM 357 Views
That'd work *NM* - 06/01/2010 08:27:04 PM 130 Views
They have 'em here. - 06/01/2010 08:28:52 PM 343 Views
I should have watched the commercial before reading the article - 06/01/2010 08:49:20 AM 381 Views
That's pretty silly. - 06/01/2010 08:49:32 AM 379 Views
I don't get it either way - 06/01/2010 09:43:11 AM 376 Views
I didn't find that racist. I think the ones crying racism are the racist ones here. - 06/01/2010 12:37:21 PM 381 Views
seriously - 06/01/2010 08:03:05 PM 346 Views
It seems pretty harmless. - 06/01/2010 03:09:59 PM 358 Views
probably just the PC police, I'd bet - 06/01/2010 08:04:11 PM 359 Views
It's a stereotype because it's true. *NM* - 06/01/2010 09:02:47 PM 640 Views
What an ignorant statement. *NM* - 07/01/2010 01:26:06 AM 141 Views
Americans love to be offended, especially on other peoples' behalf. *NM* - 06/01/2010 10:59:07 PM 126 Views
Lol. So true at times. *NM* - 07/01/2010 01:26:39 AM 144 Views
What uproar? I hadn't heard anything about it. *shrugs* *NM* - 07/01/2010 01:23:42 AM 134 Views

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