One of my toms had to be put down 3 weeks ago. He was just 5 years old and seemed to be quite healthy until the last days of November. He probably had a kind of leukaemia or a very aggressive bacterial infection that prevented him from regenerating his red blood cells.
Since I didn't want my other tom to be alone all day while I'm at work I went to the animal shelter and gave another cat a new home for christmas last weekend. Following my tradition of keeping cats with chronical diseases (I used to have a diabetic, too) I chose one with a weak heart that needs medication each day. He may die even younger than the other one, but wtf, I am determined to give him some good years.
Since I didn't want my other tom to be alone all day while I'm at work I went to the animal shelter and gave another cat a new home for christmas last weekend. Following my tradition of keeping cats with chronical diseases (I used to have a diabetic, too) I chose one with a weak heart that needs medication each day. He may die even younger than the other one, but wtf, I am determined to give him some good years.
I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when
there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it.
-- (Terry Pratchett,
there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it.
-- (Terry Pratchett,
Bummer. My cat died.
21/12/2009 10:28:49 AM
*sighs* same here
22/12/2009 12:46:06 PM