What desserts do you enjoy making?
the most fun/work are doughnuts.
What is your favorite fruit based dessert?
hmm. peach cobbler, probably
What is your best desserts and what desserts have turned out the worst?
doughnuts are easy and fun, they turn out great. i screwed up a bread pudding once... that was not too cool. i've made some really great ones, though.
"it's like the real world, except there's dragons!"
cw, you are missed...
cw, you are missed...
I made a quince tarte tonight!
16/12/2009 06:47:32 AM
Did you dine on mince and slices of quince, and eat with a runcible spoon? *NM*
16/12/2009 09:32:37 AM
Re: I made a quince tarte tonight!
16/12/2009 05:15:20 PM