You think that, because of a power outage (which I assume they had no control over), they should have left their inventory of expensive food to rot, and devoted their time to printing up coupons worth an entire shopping trip's worth of free food for every inconvenienced customer. You further imply that you (the customer) deserve this free food because you live in a nation of well behaved individuals who do not, in fact, pillage and steal whenever they have the slightest opportunity. Since you and your fellow customers were SO kind as to not loot their store when it was at its most helpless, they should lavish hundreds of pounds of free stuff on your benevolent heads.
This is a silly post.
Then again, maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're getting at, in which case I apologize in advance, and venture that this post could be marginally less silly than it seems.
This is a silly post.
Then again, maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're getting at, in which case I apologize in advance, and venture that this post could be marginally less silly than it seems.

i was mearly stating that the fact that in the UK a super market having a blackout like that should be more or less impossible. it was powerless for the time we were there, 1/2 an hour give or take. you'd think there was some form of back up or some easy solution to fix it. plus it was the only shop to lose any power along the high road. the 'good will' coupons 'gift' was also equaly silly and just served to tick most of us customers off. i don't want them to waste time and trees making meaningless bits of paper to placate us.
i was more annoyed at the implication that stock levels not matching up was the biggest worry for the silly man with the managers badge than the huge amount of waste generated by a probably easily fixed electric fault. after the week i've had this just tipped me over the edge and i had to vent my spleen somwhere.
I'm willing to bet then it was something serious that happened. Things happen, you know. Not everything goes your way. Sure, you were inconvenienced, but you just can't control everything. You know, its not like they wanted this to happen. Its not like they wanted you to be sent away with nothing.
As for them taking the time to deal with stock, well if all that food goes bad, they're out money. One of the reasons (not the only reason, but one of the reasons) that prices rise in supermarkets and retail is shrink (spoiled stuff, damaged product, stolen goods). But if you want a chance at your prices not going up, then they have to take care of that type of stuff.
And last, for the goodwill coupons. Would you have been happier with a "Fuck off, douche bag" coupon? That's probably what I would have handed problem people. People who think they should be served by the hand of god.
Did this happen on thursday? Or Friday? Though both days this time of year could make it extremely difficult to get something like that fixed. Many of the people doing the fixing are off both days, and some of the ones that are on, have to cover a larger area than usual and tend to have more to do than they can handle.
Last of all. If you don't know how the problem occured, or why it can't be fixed right away, don't just bitch and moan about how it should be able to be fixed right away. You just don't know what happened. Maybe a fucking meteor fell from the sky last night and took out some power box on the building. You just don't know.
27/11/2009 10:34:13 PM
This is a silly post.
27/11/2009 11:31:33 PM
Re: This is a silly post.
28/11/2009 12:10:42 AM
Re: This is a silly post.
28/11/2009 04:02:32 PM