I got a gift for a friend a while back, that I didn't really know much about, but I knew she liked it. It was a coffee toddy, and it makes cold-brewed coffee. As soon as I had some, I had to get one for myself. All it is, is a small bucket-type thing with a hole in the bottom. Put a pound of your favorite coffee grounds in it with twelve cups of water, and let it sit for eight to twelve hours. After that, pull the stopper out of the bottom, and it drains through a special filter into a canister, producing about eight cups of coffee concentrate that can be stored for up to a month, refrigerated or frozen. Here's the thing though that makes cold-brewed coffee different from anything else - the cold-brewing process leaves the coffee completely acid-free and not bitter at all. I've always gotten wicked acid reflux when drinking coffee, but with cold brew, I don't get it at all! It's pretty amazing, and you all should try it.
"The rent we pay for the little space we occupy on earth is the service we render to others."
Cold-brewed coffee - you should have some!
26/11/2009 03:38:27 PM