which one do you prefur?
I like them both, but I drink more coffee. Probably has something to do with the quality of what's free and available.
milk and or sugar, yay or nay?
Nothing in tea, honey in coffee.
does tea equal brit and coffee equal american?
Not really.
what is the most disgusting tea you've ever drunk?
I don't know. It came in a plastic bottle. You know it was awful.
ditto coffee?
what do you enjoy dunking in your favoured drink?
is hot chocolate a viable third option for 'grown ups' or is it a kiddy drink?
It's tasty. Not too worried about anything beyond that.
what is it about tea/coffee that you dislike?
That I mostly don't get to drink the better varieties.
why is it that tea gone cold is vile but iced tea is delicious?
Because they're two different things?
cafitieres, pretentious kitchen gadget or actualy useful?
Couldn't say.
tea cosies, love em or hate em?
Again, couldn't say, but it doesn't sound like something I'd appreciate.
how often do you drink tea or coffee?
Tea, a few times a week. Coffee, a few times a day.
favourite brand of tea?
None in particular.
favourite brand of coffee?
tea or coffee?
10/11/2009 10:45:47 PM
Nasty British People with your nasty milk in your beautiful teas.
10/11/2009 11:36:52 PM
Re: tea or coffee?
11/11/2009 03:37:52 AM