Library donation is a good idea; you might check around with some local schools, too.
Joel Send a noteboard - 31/10/2009 02:49:48 PM
When we moved from a three bedroom house to a duplex when I was a kid a lot of the ceiling to floor wall of books in the converted den had to go. Most had been acquired cheap and second hand (the old Army/Navy store was good for that) but all were quality of their type. The Book of Knowledge set was so old it was as much storybook as encyclopedia, and had quaint old timey cars racing around the sun to represent the planets--all eight of them. Those and a BUNCH of others went to the Lutheran parochial school I'd been attending, which had only recently scraped up enough money to even have a library BUILDING, let alone books.
Now, obviously, graduate level history texts aren't as well suited to a K-8 school as many of those books, but the same principle applies. I'm sure there's an urban APUSH class or something nearby that would think your collection worth its weight in the gold they don't have. Or a small community college without former governors and Fortune 500 CEOs among their alumni to make donations.
As to your questions, almost every single one of my books has huge sentimental value. Many are still among those my parents acquired in my childhoood. There are a few more recently acquired ones of which that isn't true; I suppose I'm a bit cold toward cheap and poorly written paperbacks, not above buying something that catches my eye, reading it that night and coming back with the receipt by the end of the week. But for the most part they're family, and you don't give away family (tempting as it might be now and then.... ) And, be honest: I wouldn't be nearly as much fun if I didn't own at least ONE Lee Strobel book.
Now, obviously, graduate level history texts aren't as well suited to a K-8 school as many of those books, but the same principle applies. I'm sure there's an urban APUSH class or something nearby that would think your collection worth its weight in the gold they don't have. Or a small community college without former governors and Fortune 500 CEOs among their alumni to make donations.
As to your questions, almost every single one of my books has huge sentimental value. Many are still among those my parents acquired in my childhoood. There are a few more recently acquired ones of which that isn't true; I suppose I'm a bit cold toward cheap and poorly written paperbacks, not above buying something that catches my eye, reading it that night and coming back with the receipt by the end of the week. But for the most part they're family, and you don't give away family (tempting as it might be now and then.... ) And, be honest: I wouldn't be nearly as much fun if I didn't own at least ONE Lee Strobel book.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.
Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!
LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.
Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!
LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
On possession of books.
29/10/2009 07:13:44 PM
Re: <sings Madonna>
29/10/2009 08:06:13 PM
My friends wanted to make a bonfire of my books last time I moved.
29/10/2009 09:10:16 PM
29/10/2009 09:28:11 PM
i always keep the books i think are worth it
29/10/2009 09:38:38 PM
If I kept the books I felt worth it, I would keep them all.
29/10/2009 09:46:57 PM
yes but i have a habit of re-reading my books at some future point -- except the textbooks
29/10/2009 10:03:04 PM
I'm at an interesting crossroads myself, now that I've got an eBook reader.
29/10/2009 09:56:19 PM
A failing you say?
29/10/2009 10:07:34 PM
To quote my wise grandmother, "There's a difference between sentiment and sediment."
29/10/2009 10:22:31 PM
Re: On possession of books.
29/10/2009 09:59:04 PM
I wouldn't worry.
29/10/2009 10:19:10 PM
Ok. I won't worry.
30/10/2009 01:37:18 PM
Are you truly trying to claim that none of the knowledge you've learned from your books
30/10/2009 02:51:35 PM
I think you may have failed to read the original post or have misunderstood it
30/10/2009 03:00:48 PM
30/10/2009 03:06:53 PM
Re: On possession of books.
30/10/2009 01:05:25 PM
People seem to lend books! I am in a distinct minority. I don't lend books. Or give them to people.
30/10/2009 01:46:25 PM
Library donation is a good idea; you might check around with some local schools, too.
31/10/2009 02:49:48 PM