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Re: MGB doen't need knives... TaskmasterJack Send a noteboard - 23/10/2009 11:48:15 PM
not with the ninja moves he's got.

And that mug shot looks nothing like MGB, he's waaay hotter that that dude.

I'm too lazy to go back and read the article again... but I thought I remembered the picture being of the victim, not the MGB.
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MGB Got ARRESTED - 23/10/2009 03:15:00 PM 772 Views
Want to know how I know it wasn't MGB? - 23/10/2009 03:16:26 PM 421 Views
Okay, I just did a snort-laugh at that. - 23/10/2009 03:34:41 PM 341 Views
It wasn't me.... this time. I don't use knives. - 23/10/2009 03:34:02 PM 335 Views
I knew this was fake right away. - 23/10/2009 04:43:30 PM 357 Views
Because he didn't use a five-fingered shuffle? *NM* - 23/10/2009 05:27:45 PM 148 Views
That is totally different from the Five-Knuckle Shuffle. *NM* - 24/10/2009 12:15:15 AM 120 Views
MGB never operates so carelessly - 23/10/2009 09:35:43 PM 334 Views
MGB doen't need knives... - 23/10/2009 11:36:26 PM 318 Views
Re: MGB doen't need knives... - 23/10/2009 11:48:15 PM 323 Views

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