the simple act of consulting with the first and third base umps and asking "did he go?", when your fat arse is plonked right there in front of the area in question, is also incredibly annoying and ludicrous. do you really think that the guy sixty feet away and out at an angle from the plate can see that? better than the plate ump?! come - on!
Actually, it's good practice to ask either the 1st or 3rd base ump for clarification on potential check-swings. Given the angle they have to the plate, it's much easier for them to see a bat past the "parallel" than it is for the ump behind the plate. It has nothing to do with a fat arse, nor creating an annoying situation...though why that's annoying to you could probably use some exploration on it's has to do with getting the call right.
I would slave, to pave the way, to sink your ship of fools.
i realize umpires are jokingly referred to as being blind as a bat
21/10/2009 03:02:44 AM
Re: i realize umpires are jokingly referred to as being blind as a bat
21/10/2009 03:30:36 PM
1 comment
21/10/2009 06:02:53 PM