Brian - 10-4 56-20
dominic - 8-6 54-22
photojim - 8-6 52-24
dannymac - 10-4 51-25
MGB - 9-5 49-27
manusho - 8-6 48-28
trigger - 8-6 47-29
People who have missed one or more weeks:
Scalius - 41-21
whoohtown - 8-6 38-22
random thoughts - 7-7 36-24
moondog - 7-7 34-26
matrimony - 7-7 16-12
lightsong - 6-8 15-13
gena - 10-4
Ranagrande - 13-3
The Doctor 11-5
Mossman 8-8
(If I've messed up, or missed you, just let me know and I'll go in and fix it. I'll be happy next week to let MGB do all the work's a headache. )
dominic - 8-6 54-22
photojim - 8-6 52-24
dannymac - 10-4 51-25
MGB - 9-5 49-27
manusho - 8-6 48-28
trigger - 8-6 47-29
People who have missed one or more weeks:
Scalius - 41-21
whoohtown - 8-6 38-22
random thoughts - 7-7 36-24
moondog - 7-7 34-26
matrimony - 7-7 16-12
lightsong - 6-8 15-13
gena - 10-4
Ranagrande - 13-3
The Doctor 11-5
Mossman 8-8
(If I've messed up, or missed you, just let me know and I'll go in and fix it. I'll be happy next week to let MGB do all the work's a headache. )
NFL Week 5 Results
16/10/2009 05:37:38 AM