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I usually get around to it at some point; you just have to dig through the tangents. Joel Send a noteboard - 06/10/2009 02:31:46 AM
I would've been perfectly happy with "oh, it's something the Dallas Cowboys coach once said on a press conference after his team amazed everyone", but I guess this did the trick as well. :P And yes, I did read it all, and even went "oh yes, I remember this" a few times. Aren't you proud of me? ;)

But you need the BACKSTORY, man! It's like that joke in The Hidden Game of Football where the little old lady shows up in the fourth quarter of a 14-14 game and says "oh, good, I haven't missed anything.... " And yes, I AM proud of you, especially the remembering.
Perhaps the most puzzling among a number of bizarre aspects of American sports (by which I mean the four major ones together, not just the bizarre aspects of individual sports) is the trade aspect in general, and a number of specific deals in particular. It doesn't make any sense that Minnesota would be prepared to offer anywhere near that much, just like the Phoenix Suns' trading away Shaquille O'Neal this summer in return for, well, essentially nothing, didn't make any sense (yeah, the NBA is the only one of the four I'm really interested in, and the Suns are the team I root for, blame Jessie :P ). It may have something to do with salary caps and team finances, as I'm used to European football teams that either have sugardaddies pumping millions into the team, run up massive debts, or both at the same time. But still, I can't imagine why someone would make trades that made their team weaker, as seems to happen surprisingly often.

It's the draft more than anything. Beyond that, blame these:

Other than that it comes down to foolish owners most of the time, people who think this ONE all star is the LAST piece of a championship team, or are SO desperate for a great player at a given critical and empty position, or have decided "I HAVE to get Joe Blow out out East Podunk State, but I know he won't last past the 7th pick because x, y and z need that position, too, so I've GOT to trade up--somehow.... "

Bottom line is what P.T. Barnum used to say: There's a sucker born every minute. ;)
There we are. So it's Johnson we have to blame for the poor grammar, then. ;)

Well, IIRC, it originated with the fan base; Jimmy just alluded to it at the press conference.
After 30 years Dallas had played 16 Conference Championships, losing 8 (all but two to Super Bowl Champs) and winning 8 Super Bowl trips, where they won it all 5 times. One sixth of all Super Bowl wins; over a quarter of all NFC Super Bowl teams. According to Wikipedia, "Before the 2008 season an ESPN's Page 2 statistical comparison of all teams since the AFL-NFL merger had the Cowboys narrowly beating out the Pittsburgh Steelers for the top of its Ultimate Power Ranking.[6] " Whether that's true after Pittsburghs record sixth Super Bowl win last year I can't say.

Impressive statistics, alright.

Sadly, half my sentiments on NFL teams boil down to teams I like and the other half boil down to teams that played spoiler to them at some point. I do have a special hate for the Steelers though because they not only thwarted Dallas, they were in the same division as some very good Houston teams who were nonetheless forced to get into the playoffs as wildcard teams. Twice they went all the way to the AFC Championship Game--and had to play Pittsburgh for the third time that year, IN Pitt because the Steelers won the division. Game conditions in Pittsburgh around Christmas are VERY different than the climate controlled Astrodome.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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How bout them.....Broncos? - 05/10/2009 12:20:09 AM 578 Views
That D was frickin' awesome. - 05/10/2009 12:32:05 AM 449 Views
Kyle Orton is so lucky he is throwing to Brandon Marshall - 05/10/2009 01:25:14 AM 375 Views
The catch was nice... the TD run after the catch was amazing. - 05/10/2009 02:01:35 AM 380 Views
Great game, but as a fan there's one thing that displeased me greatly... - 05/10/2009 02:31:25 AM 405 Views
I didn't think it was a great game - 05/10/2009 02:35:25 AM 367 Views
Terrible officiating for sure - 05/10/2009 02:57:43 AM 393 Views
I would agree it was more bad offense then good defense - 05/10/2009 02:53:35 PM 369 Views
Wow... I'm torn - 05/10/2009 06:19:31 AM 405 Views
Since I'm not much of an American football fan... - 05/10/2009 01:38:18 PM 381 Views
traditionaly its has been a polite ice breaker - 05/10/2009 03:08:33 PM 368 Views
Right, but it's the ungrammatical aspect I'm wondering about. - 05/10/2009 03:49:50 PM 409 Views
well y'all just don't know how to speak good American - 05/10/2009 05:40:37 PM 403 Views
It was basically the slogan of the Cowboys when they got good again under Jimmy Johnsons coaching. - 06/10/2009 12:53:03 AM 614 Views
Okay... I suppose you did answer the question, somewhere deep down in that whole thing. - 06/10/2009 01:24:22 AM 537 Views
I usually get around to it at some point; you just have to dig through the tangents. - 06/10/2009 02:31:46 AM 495 Views
as usual Joel is full of it - 06/10/2009 03:40:25 AM 402 Views
"How do you like them apples?"/="How 'bout them [mascot]s. " - 06/10/2009 03:54:36 AM 365 Views
how 'bout dem Dawgs? - 06/10/2009 04:16:33 AM 363 Views
That I'll buy. - 06/10/2009 04:43:02 AM 397 Views
I hope they can do as well against .500 and +.500 teams. PLEASE beat the Chargers! *NM* - 05/10/2009 07:13:45 PM 175 Views
Dallas was above .500 coming in, now 2-2 (.500 exactly). Bengals are 3-1 (.750). Both Denver wins. - 05/10/2009 08:06:41 PM 361 Views
I'm hoping for a split. - 06/10/2009 03:07:07 AM 616 Views
Did you notive your QB sucks? - 06/10/2009 03:49:55 AM 388 Views
Did you notice the only games I'm confident we'll win are the Chiefs, Raiders and 'Skins? - 06/10/2009 04:01:02 AM 365 Views
my team played like crap is hardly making excuses - 06/10/2009 04:10:15 AM 411 Views
Orton doesn't "suck". - 06/10/2009 02:03:46 PM 401 Views
well I could be a little bitter - 06/10/2009 03:19:42 PM 383 Views
17-2 lifetime at home. Orton wins games. *NM* - 06/10/2009 09:18:20 PM 148 Views
Honestly, it's too soon to say, about anyone. - 06/10/2009 05:13:36 AM 406 Views
Buck the Froncos. *NM* - 07/10/2009 03:54:42 PM 177 Views

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