For politics I find myself watching a lot of alt right talkers like Stefan Molyneux. Which is strange as they are more than borderline antisemitic. In these circles, for example, it is believed it was Israel who bombed Idlib with Sarin. I guess you could say they are another version of 9/11 truthers. It is not exactly hate watching, as I do agree with much that is said, the more conservative common sense parts. Just not so much the Adolf Hitler parts.
He has a lot of interesting guests on his podcast and he, for the most part" takes a neutral, inquisitive stance when asking questions and discussing topics. This leads to a lot of rabbit hole discussions that I find pretty interesting. I find 24-news media asks questions to lead the audience to a certain conclusion. JRE is refreshing in that it seems purely informational. Plus I like his stand-up routines on Netflix so its easy for me to enjoy the comedy and the laid back nature of his interviews.