Thanks to a very generous donation and a number of premium account purchases, RAFO is keeping its doors open! Hurrah!
I've read through the comments and I will be making a couple of tweaks, primarily to merge the boards together so we can concentrate activity and stand a better chance of keeping recent momentum going.
Chat has also popped up again as something I know a lot of people want, but there's no easy option here. I want something which links in to RAFO's database so that people can only chat under their own names, but short of spending an inordinate amount of effort developing something myself the only option are to use a 3rd party solution, which will invariably add further costs on top of hosting. Still, I'll keep thinking and hopefully I'll be able to come up with something
Anyway. Thanks again for your commitment to RAFO, both temporal and financial (aren't they supposed to be the same thing?). You fine folks are what makes RAFO awesome!
Premium purchased. I look forward to the combined board. Who knows, maybe we will corrupt some people looking for information about the Wheel of Time. The wheel spins and all that and what was once old will be new again.