Actually, I would challenge that statement. They are in denial about the "reality of the situation". Look at their body. Look at their genetics. There is the reality that the rest of us can see and prove. They are spelling out some very basic things about reality. But you are correct, their mind, their inner self, doesn't match their body/genetics. We've already established that their mind is the one in error. You've already abdicated the point that their body dysmorphia is at the core of the situation. We treat people for other body dysmorphic issues. But this one we do not. We help people with other mental health issues, but this one we do not. Why?
When someone says they are a woman, yet their genetics and body say they are a man...a whole segment of society is all "Sure". However, when someone says "I'm fat. I'm never eating again." and they take steps in that direction...they loose huge amounts of weight...we take steps to help them correct to healthiness.
Well that would be the topic. Right from the get go, I would say that if their body and their "inner self" are in conflict, then one is wrong. So then which one do you consider more valid, verifiable, or otherwise sure? What do you use as your solid foundation, measuring stick, plumb bob, or whatever other analogy you want? The one with the evidence....?
I'm almost sure that we fundamentally disagree. But that's not the purpose of our change viewpoints of the other person. I asked a question, and I'm struggling to see answers that stand up to scrutiny and examination.
We aren't debating the merits of other aspects of society...even if they address a larger segment of the population. We aren't talking about pro/anti this or that social policy...even if those policies effect everyone. We are talking about the health and well-being of people who have been marginalized, ignored, attacked, or otherwise left to fend for themselves...and how we as a society are treating them. Everyone is deserving of compassion and understanding; everyone is deserving of the truth.
Saving the Princess, Humanity, or the World-Entire since 1985