There has been a lot of press (and whiny-ness) about 2016 being an awful year. How was it for you?
I began running races, at first 5K distance before building up to 12K in December, in March. I finished as high as fourth overall in smaller races and usually in the top quarter or third in larger races. Currently in training to run a 15K on February 11 and a half-marathon at the Nashville Rock'n'Roll Marathon/Half-Marathon race on April 29th. Enjoying it greatly.
(Semi)changed jobs in November. I took a general/special education teaching position at a residential treatment center that is paying me almost $10K/year more than I've ever made. It's challenging, getting back into this line after five years away. Still working my other job assisting teens with autism with their life skills, but it's now a PRN weekend position. I like the kids that much to give up a few hours most weekends, plus the extra money is going into savings, which has been depleted for years.
Not reading much anymore, due to the jobs and run training, as I only finished 46 books in 2016. Not missing it much, though, since the other things listed above are more important.
Oh, and I've been blessed with a plethora of squirrels on the family property, but some people just wouldn't understand why it's a blessing
Je suis méchant.