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If you have a traditional conservative position on foreign policy Hillary is closer. random thoughts Send a noteboard - 02/08/2016 08:12:09 PM

if you believe in free trade and market capitalism Hillary is closer. Trump hits some hot button issues that some conservatives care about but few actually understand. A lot of republicans who are serious about these issues and who wants serious solutions to them instead of a pat on the head and a piece of candy see Hillary as a better choice than Trump. The court is the problem. The left wing activist are no longer happy controlling blue states and now are using an activist court system to ignore they actual Constitution and force their beliefs on the entire country. That is bigger threat and letting Hillary pick the next couple of justices could result in a complete loss of state rights and local control. This country works because people can run their own area to a large degree the way they want to and the extremist left who want to change that are a threat to our entire political system. Trump is a mess but he will be weak and can be limited by Congress, Hillary won't be.

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apparently, insulting the family of a dead decorated US veteran is a winning campaign strategy - 01/08/2016 05:15:44 PM 1092 Views
Somone need to take the man's tweeter account away from him. - 01/08/2016 05:37:47 PM 580 Views
Yeah - wasn't that what the firing of Lewandowski and promoting Manafort was all about? - 01/08/2016 05:57:18 PM 622 Views
This election has shown mew that everything I know about politics is condintional - 01/08/2016 07:33:05 PM 503 Views
two things - 01/08/2016 08:39:15 PM 512 Views
I somehow have my doubts about her gaining all that many Republican votes. - 01/08/2016 11:11:20 PM 568 Views
If you have a traditional conservative position on foreign policy Hillary is closer. - 02/08/2016 08:12:09 PM 567 Views
Do you trust donald trump with nukes? - 04/08/2016 02:37:10 AM 626 Views
No but ithink he will be impeached. Of course I don't trust Pence either. - 04/08/2016 04:14:36 AM 544 Views
Offers you a drink - 04/08/2016 04:45:14 AM 561 Views
Manafort is more professional than Lewandowski - 02/08/2016 01:01:51 AM 468 Views
Certain people think differently than other people. - 02/08/2016 12:57:55 AM 588 Views
I hate them both but t some point I have to ask if I am willing to have Hillary in office - 03/08/2016 05:05:10 PM 574 Views
If this is too personal tell me to stop - 04/08/2016 02:56:34 AM 558 Views
Trump has nothing to go on but the idiocy of his opponents. - 02/08/2016 11:41:13 AM 588 Views
The media's role in this has become disgusting - 03/08/2016 04:38:24 PM 577 Views
It's been disgusting and partisan for over fifty years now. - 03/08/2016 11:35:43 PM 592 Views
I am sorry RT but yes it does allow you to do that - 04/08/2016 02:00:40 AM 541 Views
No nothing gives you that to attack others with no chance for them to respond - 07/08/2016 09:06:36 PM 541 Views
Random Thoughts, you need to read the speech that got Donald Trump so hot boiled - 09/08/2016 08:32:23 AM 554 Views
Sorry but that all boils down to who you agree with - 09/08/2016 12:06:32 PM 533 Views
Trump really tanking in the polls, I think he's going to drop out - 04/08/2016 06:15:30 PM 566 Views

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