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There is so much wrong with one of your statement Roland00 Send a noteboard - 22/02/2016 07:32:16 PM

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The party is not saying "don't appoint anyone", the party is saying "nobody you appoint will pass the Senate", which is a huge world of difference.

There is so much wrong with one of your statements. I am not accusing you of lying, but there is so much wrong here.

I personally believe you are just ignornant of events that occured over a several day period, or you just did not folow the news. I am not a person who follows this thing with religious devotion, but the Republicans made such a spectcle of this issue and spouted so much factual bullshit that was wrong that it caught my attention.

Scalia died in the early morning of 2/13/16 which was a Saturday

  • The news did not catch wind of it until a little after 5 pm Texas Time for Scalia died in texas and it was a local San Antonio Paper that broke the story. That said the Texas state governor, Gov Abbot office was informed prior to the breaking news and had a statement that was released almost immediately after.

  • It took between 10 to 20 minutes for the cable news to get the story

  • At 8:00 pm Texas Time, 9:00 PM in South Carolina the Republcian Debate (which was a week prior to the South Carolinian primary of 2/20) made this the signature issue of the debate and started with a moment of reflection of the loss of the supreme court justice

  • It was a very nasty and very vehement debate where the Republican candidates were acting like little children calling each other names, yelling over the other person and stuff like Candidate A saying Adults learn not to interrupt people to Candidate B, or Candidate A and Candidate C are arguigng over what a person said on televesion on a spanish television network and then having a fight over whether Candidate A or Candidate C can actually speak spannish by trading barbs in Spanish

Here is a transcript if you care

Or if you want some video you can easily find it on the internet but since Politics is both ultimately a tragedy and a comedy at the same time I rather just throw a comedian takes on it (Samantha Bee formerly of the Daily Show with her own show now on TBS, midway of her 7 minute Spot)

Note this Samantha Bee took Place on Monday 2/15


  • So even though the body and the news was less than 3 hours old both Senator Cruz and Senator Rubio had this talking point that we have not nominated anybody in the last 80 years and that anybody that Obama nominates should not get a hearing and he should not even dare nominate it

  • Note this is such BS (more on this later) but the impartial moderator of the candidates (Dickerson at CBS) pointed out this was a lie and a falsehood pointing one counter example, Cruz wanted to debate him on this, Dickerson would not back down (the facts were on his side and his staff fact checked it after Rubio made the same point earlier, plus Rubio called Obama a dictator for breaking this 80 year precedent). So in essence the media found the truth on 2/13/16 they were just meek about telling the truth and stopping a lie about facts and history from being retold and becomming propganda

  • Why is this all important? Well the next day after Scalia's death and after the republican debate, Sunday 2/14 (valentines day) the person who would even determine whether the Senate would even grant Obama's nominee a hearing Senator Chuck Grassley said

"The fact of the matter is that it's been standard practice over the last 80 years to not confirm Supreme Court nominees during a presidential election year,"

Why do Senator Chuck Grassley matters? For he is the person who runs the Judiciary Committee and what gets schedule on their docket, so even if Obama nominates a candidate if the Judiciary Committee does not allow hearings of the potential nominee there is no way Majority Leader McConnell will put it up to a vote.

Oh it was not just Grassley, Cruz, and Rubio but dozens of other important Republican leaders who said do not even nominate and if you nominate we will not even give this girl or guy a hearing on 2/14/16. One of which was Senator McConnell who on the night of the death of Scalia stated this

GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced Saturday night that the Supreme Court vacancy “should not be filled until we have a new president


So by 2/14 we have no means no and no means never so do not even try from the republicans. It does not matter who you pick the answer is no.


Well by 2/18 (the same day you did the post I am responding to) the vast majority of republicans including Senator Grassley backtracked their statements because that 80 year number that was going around on the internet and was quickly picked up by 2 republican candidates for president less than 3 hours of the news (Trump also called for not to confirm whoever Obama picked but he did not spout the 80 year number). Well that is complete and utter bullshit.

Jon Oliver, yes another comedian does a good job of explaining how wrong with all the counter examples and some funnies here

5 counter examples, with FDR, Eisenhower, Johnson twice, and Reagan

Oh with Eisenhower he also did 3 recess appointments to fill spots on the Supreme Court Bench, now technically recess appointments can last up to 2 years but the senate did not play the games that they do now. So after Eisenhower made his 3 recess appointments in different years the Senate actually did a vote whether you get yes or no on the nominee for a life time appointment even though they were serving a temporary time. All three were then approved and confirmed with life time appointments

Earl Warren (already on the court, but moved to Chief Justice after the previous chief justice died a month earlier). 3 months of him being recessed appointment as chief justice. When the senate took up the issue for the first time 3 months later he was approved that very day (Eisenhower did had to resubmit some paperwork aka the nomination now that they were in session)

William J. Brennan, Jr. for associate justice. Recessed Appointed Oct 56, Resubmitted with the Senate in Session in Jan 57, Confirmed for lifetime appointment in March 57. Brennan served 44 years on the court (making him the 7th longest in US history for amount of time served on the court.

Potter Stewart for Associate Justice. Recess Appointed Oct 58, Resubmitted to Senate Jan 59, Approved May 59. Potter Stewart is famous (and one of my personal favorites) for being a justice who believed the 4th amendment actually means something and when states tried to create bad law to skirt the 4th amendment and do unreasonable searches without a warrant he actually said we have the 4th for a god damn reason. He is not considered a liberal or conservative justice overall but since he served during the "liberal warren court era" he often broke with them for he was more moderate and dealt with the actual issues of the case at hand.


All this is to say there is so much political bullshit and political theater going on Washington.

Saying the truth, that the republican hold senate who have 55 votes and thus you need 45 democrates, plus 5 republcians to get any Obama non recess appointed Justice through means it is unlikely we would approve of any candidate is a honorable way of say things. The position most Republicans were telling the media on 2/18/16 to today is this position

But bullshit like lets lie about history, or calling Obama a dictator for even thinking of nominating someone is such fucking bullshit and yet we allow this bullshit to occur in Washingtion no matter if its Republican Bullshit or Democratic Bullshit (Oh trust me the Ds can be just as big as fibbers as this turd sandwhich of the last few days). This was the republican party hold position of the party leaders and people who actually have control of the process on 2/13 and 2/14.

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republicans ironically ask Obama to ignore Constitution - 18/02/2016 07:29:28 PM 590 Views
Uh... - 18/02/2016 08:32:02 PM 429 Views
Re: Uh... - 18/02/2016 10:59:27 PM 509 Views
Once again, are you insane, stupid or a liar? - 23/02/2016 01:18:34 AM 455 Views
I believe part of this whole debate was... - 23/02/2016 07:43:53 AM 377 Views
There is so much wrong with one of your statement - 22/02/2016 07:32:16 PM 676 Views
Maybe some did.... - 19/02/2016 12:05:49 AM 368 Views

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