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All the information here came from Western sources. Tom Send a noteboard - 23/10/2015 03:08:24 PM

I do have serious criticisms of Putin, just not the stupid and facile ones that allow American news media to conveniently paint everything in black and white.

Political correctness is the pettiest form of casuistry.

ἡ δὲ κἀκ τριῶν τρυπημάτων ἐργαζομένη ἐνεκάλει τῇ φύσει, δυσφορουμένη, ὅτι δὴ μὴ καὶ τοὺς τιτθοὺς αὐτῇ εὐρύτερον ἢ νῦν εἰσι τρυπώη, ὅπως καὶ ἄλλην ἐνταῦθα μίξιν ἐπιτεχνᾶσθαι δυνατὴ εἴη. – Procopius

Ummaka qinnassa nīk!

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Putin is finally doing what Obama couldn't - 19/10/2015 08:31:34 PM 706 Views
That may have been true three or four years ago. - 19/10/2015 09:07:45 PM 421 Views
He's not "viable"? That's silly. - 19/10/2015 10:09:45 PM 347 Views
You're also approaching this from a "consensus-building" conviction. - 20/10/2015 12:51:18 AM 356 Views
All of your examples are missing the salient point here. - 20/10/2015 07:10:13 AM 446 Views
The secular dicator is better argument falls apart if he can't control his country - 20/10/2015 05:46:56 PM 300 Views
Well, but now you're selectively choosing facts - 21/10/2015 02:18:44 PM 278 Views
If you run a junk yard you can tolerate a mena dog that bites only if he keep the thieves out - 22/10/2015 04:22:18 PM 298 Views
Seriously, it's not hard to spell "Assad" correctly. - 22/10/2015 05:43:15 PM 302 Views
Too bad he's an Iranian ally - 22/10/2015 06:35:17 PM 264 Views
Yes, but right now they're fighting the Sunnis - 22/10/2015 06:55:49 PM 304 Views
You say that almost as if he's ever shown any inclination to risk a war with Israel... - 22/10/2015 07:28:43 PM 318 Views
Oh no, he certainly hasn't. - 22/10/2015 09:06:58 PM 281 Views
Thats funny coming the the Russin apologist in chief - 23/10/2015 02:23:44 PM 316 Views
All the information here came from Western sources. - 23/10/2015 03:08:24 PM 369 Views
What are your criticisms ? - 25/10/2015 01:47:51 PM 289 Views
My criticisms - 25/10/2015 07:29:52 PM 294 Views
I'm late to the party, and I have no dog in the Russian fight, but... - 27/10/2015 01:41:27 AM 355 Views
I've lived in the South and in Russia - 27/10/2015 02:39:09 AM 299 Views
Re: I've lived in the South and in Russia - 27/10/2015 05:15:54 AM 453 Views
Regarding your last question - 27/10/2015 01:57:04 PM 367 Views
Russian foreign policy - 27/10/2015 02:00:54 PM 278 Views
Hmmm... - 27/10/2015 11:23:43 AM 320 Views
God no. Putin has very real and easily understood goals. - 27/10/2015 02:05:46 PM 346 Views
assassinate his political enemies? - 21/10/2015 10:36:21 PM 291 Views
Try bombing the terrorists, instead of the actual authorities. - 22/10/2015 05:19:08 PM 266 Views
except Putin is bombing people we've trained, so we're training terrorists? - 22/10/2015 06:18:58 PM 295 Views
We were arming them at a minimum. *NM* - 22/10/2015 06:56:16 PM 122 Views
Duh. - 26/10/2015 12:40:08 AM 353 Views
or put it another way: do we really want to actually wade into ANOTHER war in the Middle East? - 22/10/2015 06:25:37 PM 316 Views
Only two? - 26/10/2015 12:39:03 AM 405 Views
I attempted to watch the Benghazi select committee but... - 27/10/2015 05:26:20 AM 306 Views

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