as a woman. And? What is the big deal? Now the woman is happy. She isn't hurting anyone. Her quality of life is now better. Seems like something we should be supporting.
And vice versa of course. Some women feel like men, though born as women. And they take steps to live as a man. His quality of life is now better.
As a gay man, I fully support their decisions. As a human who wants other humans to be happy, I fully support their decisions. Because I was not born the way they were with their outlook, feelings, particular hormonal balance, I can't say that I understand what it is that they feel and go through. But clearly it is important enough to them that they undergo drastic changes so they can lead happy lives (that do not hurt anyone else).
Also, if a woman wants breast augmentation surgery, good for her. Whatever makes her happy (as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else).
You basically get the idea - I support humans. I want other humans to be happy. And as long as no one else is hurt, I see no reason to withdraw that support.
I think you should probably talk with some transgender people. You may find more compassion in your heart after you do. Or you may not and may remain the kind of person who thinks the way you do. Such is life. And such is this board.