The title mostly says it. Any useful tips for someone who's going to the Kenyan countryside for a few weeks? I'll be staying with a family in a village. Got all the vaccinations in order, I have a shopping list with the most obvious stuff (band-aids, disinfectant, flashlight, batteries, etc.) and we got some advice from our professors (it's a university master's level field course) regarding behaviour (no kissing in public; don't drink alcohol out in the open; if you smoke, do it discreetly).
If you've got some advice regarding cattle hygiene inspection, mastitis testing or some such that would also be appreciated I won't have a lot of equipment with me but I'm hoping to get at least a CMT set. It's mostly going to be about observing practices and doing interviews.
Also, is there something fun to do in Nairobi? I'll spent a couple of days there. A safari would be nice, for example.