Active Users:411 Time:05/10/2024 04:00:56 AM
I am so glad this case turn the way it did and it was decided on statutory grounds Roland00 Send a noteboard - 08/07/2014 01:01:13 AM

If this decision was decided on constitutional grounds instead of statutory grounds where does it end?

Can I prevent my employees from getting health insurance for I do not like anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, anti-anxiety, anti-parkinson, anti-alzheimers, etc for I do not want anyone to mess with their "holy" mind that god made and man should not mess up? All those above drugs mess with the mind.

Can I prevent blood transfusions since one should not inject someone else's "holy" blood from one body to another?

Can I prevent organ donating for one should not defile the "holy" body during death, they should also not defile it during life but especially during death?

Can I prevent many forms of surgery where we have to stop the heart temporarily and thus the person is clinically brain dead and one should not try to bring the dead back from like? They are already in heaven or hell and man should not trespass on god's domain.

How about organ recreation or blood treatment created from stem cells? Hey Mr Leukemia you should not try to save your life for one should not destroy human life to save another (now this reference is going to hit close to home to me and some other people who remember a certain wotmaniac).

If this was decided on constitutional jobs we would have limited the freedom of religion or we would further have destroyed the employer-employee health care contract that exists in the US. Sure I wish for a different health care system to take in effect, but gradually when we finally have a better system ready to be set up for their is transitional and logistical issues about switching health care systems at once.

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US Supreme Court continues subjugating women to second class citizenry - 01/07/2014 08:54:25 PM 650 Views
Just to bring it up.... - 01/07/2014 09:04:07 PM 262 Views
I am so glad this case turn the way it did and it was decided on statutory grounds - 08/07/2014 01:01:13 AM 227 Views
so we seem to have come a long way - 14/07/2014 04:23:20 PM 209 Views

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