Active Users:627 Time:06/07/2024 07:07:19 AM
I have a question.... Jeordam Send a noteboard - 03/02/2014 09:13:29 PM

And I don't ask this question to be snarky or anything like that...

I'm just kinda examining my reactions to Hoffman's death and that of Andy Whitfield (Spartacus).....two great actors. One was well into his career and it was going strong, the other had just gotten his big break on a great show. Both were fathers. Both had opportunities and resources that most of us will never have. Both died before their time.

Yet I find myself having had far more "that's so sad" thoughts/feelings for Andy dying than for Philip. And here's why.... Andy died of cancer. Philip died due to drugs he was addicted to. Both are sad circumstances, but it is that differentiation that changes things for me.

Much like when that guy from Glee died. Sad....but I'm not nearly as bummed out about it than when Andy died.

What are your throughs on this? Am I unique in my reaction? Yes, drug OD's are sad...and I feel bad for everyone involved (having family members with drug issues, I have first hand knowledge). However, there seems to be a distinction in my mind between those who die of a medical issue and those who die due to a decision they made.


ex-Admin at wotmania (all things wot & art galleries)
Saving the Princess, Humanity, or the World-Entire since 1985
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Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead in NYC apartment - 03/02/2014 03:44:01 AM 608 Views
You wish you could smack him upside the head, don't you? - 03/02/2014 04:03:35 AM 496 Views
Amazing talent, and father to three children. - 03/02/2014 04:08:44 AM 491 Views
Indeed - 04/02/2014 08:15:47 AM 489 Views
I have a question.... - 03/02/2014 09:13:29 PM 499 Views
I'd say that's normal - 04/02/2014 01:28:51 AM 575 Views

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