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the problem is a media which is unable to do actual journalism, not jon stewart per se moondog Send a noteboard - 15/10/2013 08:50:10 PM

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Sure, he's funny at times - though shouting loudly and repeating words while making comic faces are really not as funny as all that, or at least it gets rather old before too long. And of course many of the points that he makes are valid - Republicans do in fact do a lot of stupid or harsh things that deserve to be satirized and criticized (as do Democrats). But as for the many liberal Americans who seem to consider the Daily Show almost as their main news source, it's hard to see what makes them so much better than the dedicated Fox News viewers that they so look down on, at least in terms of being spoonfed biased reporting if not downright propaganda (there are, I will admit, other flaws of Fox News, at least based on what I've seen of their website, such as their fearmongering and obsession with crime, but then those are flaws shared by tabloids the world over).

Let's be serious, this sort of reporting doesn't bring the US any closer to fixing its huge health care problems. And that's the sad thing about it all - Jon Stewart understandably cares more about his ratings than about making a difference, it's not him who should be blamed so much as his viewers who care more about their entertainment and having their egoes flattered and consciences soothed by listening to their heroes preaching to the choir, than they do about improving the state of affairs.

chuck todd -- director of news on NBC's various satellite stations -- was recently quoted as saying it's not the news media's job to report why Obamacare is not "the destruction of everything" or the other misinformation that's been floating around as of late. yeah, jon stewart is concerned about his ratings, but he's not a legitimate news show, even if he accidentally covers a story which does not make it into the mainstream press.

chuck todd, however, does have a vested interest in making sure news gets reported fairly and honestly. in fact, it's supposed to be his job to report on "the news". so when jon stewart makes a point about how fucked up things have gotten, he's doing so because it will make for some good jokes while sticking to the truth of the matter. if NBC can't even be bothered to do actual journalism anymore, it falls to the jon stewarts of the world to step up and fill the void.

personally, i'd prefer us to go back to the days when someone would be completely disgraced for saying that providing millions of people access to health care is the same as the rise of the nazi party, or that access to health care is "the destruction of America", but right now that's a pipe dream. i'd also like to see a law in the US similar to what i've read about Canada, where it's illegal to lie on a news program. the problem with fox "news" is that they spend 3/4 of their programming on punditry while claiming it as a news network. punditry definitely has its place, but unfortunately too many people do not distinguish between legitimate news and opinion pieces.

"The RIAA has shown a certain disregard for the creative people of the industry in their eagerness to protect the revenues of the record companies." -- Frank Zappa

"That's the trouble with political jokes in this country... they get elected!" -- Dave Lippman
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don't make your plan "What do we need food stamps for when we have dine & dash" - 11/10/2013 06:53:11 PM 839 Views
And you said.... - 11/10/2013 08:50:32 PM 516 Views
Re: And you said.... - 11/10/2013 09:32:25 PM 395 Views
Martyr complexes are not sexy. - 11/10/2013 11:02:38 PM 359 Views
i'm already spoken for, but thanks anyway - 11/10/2013 11:04:45 PM 397 Views
Your myopia is always evident. - 11/10/2013 11:25:08 PM 393 Views
maybe you should call out the others here who are as bad or worse than what you credit to me - 15/10/2013 08:58:17 PM 386 Views
You are the worst of the ideologues. - 16/10/2013 12:21:30 PM 321 Views
Dude, don't feed the troll. - 11/10/2013 11:00:27 PM 335 Views
Nice to know the truth is a Leftist Soapbox. *NM* - 11/10/2013 11:10:18 PM 157 Views
ROFL - 11/10/2013 11:43:35 PM 321 Views
*feeds the troll* - 11/10/2013 11:02:01 PM 367 Views
Re: *feeds the troll* - 11/10/2013 11:03:56 PM 396 Views
I couldn't care less whether you leave or not. - 11/10/2013 11:45:43 PM 352 Views
The Daily Show and Jon Stewart are part of the problem, and it's past time his fans realized it. - 12/10/2013 06:00:42 PM 365 Views
Interestingly enough there was a good NYT article about this problem. - 12/10/2013 09:04:51 PM 472 Views
Yeah, I'm not surprised. - 12/10/2013 09:18:58 PM 401 Views
Very true. - 12/10/2013 11:02:13 PM 395 Views
the problem is a media which is unable to do actual journalism, not jon stewart per se - 15/10/2013 08:50:10 PM 398 Views

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