I mean if the system collapses we could make a killing selling arms. Also people are always saying we've got way too many people and nothing lowers populations like mass riots and famine.
I really doubt the US defaulting would totally tank the Global Economy but it would give a pretty rough smack and collapse is feasible if unlikely. If that happened it would be a Horror. I don't like to get over the top or melodramatic but "Untold Suffering" really is not an exaggeration of what would happen if the wheels came off.
Pragmatism sometimes has to take precedence over principles. It is all good to grandstand so long as your pedestal is a soapbox and not a pile of dead bodies.
I hesitate to even say most politicians are particularly selfish compared to you or me, most of the ones I know, and I know a lot of them, are probably above average in conduct and intent. But even if I accepted that they were abnormally selfish it definitely isn't cash they crave, most politicians take pay cuts just to run and often stay in long after they could easily translate that time into massive post-service income. Power? Yes. Approval? Hell Yes. Wealth? Not really.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod