I know people tend to assume they win arguments that were actually stalemates or even losses but seriously dude, you got totally curb-stomped in your ridiculous Terrorism thread. I don't know what mental gymnastics you've performed to convince yourself that you came up ahead there but you should try out for the Olympics. I'm pretty sure most liberals on the site who read that cringed and muttered about 'With friends like these who needs enemies?". You got battered by virtually every poster and your remarks consisted of fanatical accusations mixed with sullen remarks of the "Taking my football and going home" sort. That was not pretty. That was like Joel on one of his bad days except he at least usually doesn't get personally insulting.
You know what's wrong with people like you? If someone from the other side so much as admits things aren't black and white you don't take that as a true statement, you see it as proof they realize they're on the bad team. It literally encourages you to get more fucking polarized. And the result is those of us who are reasonable but partisan either get tired of trying to reach for the middle or we lose support in favor of the people who are just as fucking bad as you.
You want to fight crazy extremists? Go find a fucking mirror and give yourself a good ass beating.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod