I gave my first reference to their candidate in the last general election and voted for Michael D Higgins in the last presidential election. While I'm not overly impressed by their record in government, I vastly prefer them to all the other major parties in Ireland. I'm slightly left-leaning, secularist and socially liberal.
While I don't necessarily support it I have a bit of a fascination with Fabian Socialism.
"I mean, if everyone had a soul, there would be no contrast by which we could appreciate it. For giving us this perspective, we thank you." - Nate
Which current or historical political party or movement most appeals to you?
25/08/2013 04:26:27 PM
The one where they started killing stupid people...oh wait, that's never happened. *NM*
26/08/2013 03:28:16 AM
I'm nominally a member of the Irish Labour Party
26/08/2013 09:09:04 PM