Active Users:435 Time:05/10/2024 05:00:41 AM
You could have stopped at "I don't like Obama;" the rest is just exposition. Joel Send a noteboard - 10/08/2013 10:12:57 AM

This part illustrates things nicely:

View original post[Obama] had no problems pulling the rug out from under US ally Hosni Mubarak, who compared to Assad looks like an angel, but he had to be dragged kicking and screaming into supporting the effort to overthrow Qaddhafi and when it came to Assad, he was more averse to military action than France (which by itself should be troubling).

If Obama supports a Mideast uprising against a dictator he is "pulling the rug out from under a US ally;" if he does NOT it is "why does the left support dictators?" Obama is wrong—on any subject, whatever his position—because he is Obama; the facts are only relevant to justifying that predetermined, literally prejudiced, conclusion. I pretty much ignore Republican/conservative criticisms of Obamas foreign policy these days, because they ALWAYS criticize ANY policy he pursues. Syria makes a great case study though because you made this post right in the middle of Republicans going from "why does Obama love terror sponsors so much he refuses to help Syrias rebels?!" to "why is Obama arming Al Qaeda rebels in Syria?!"

His actions DO. NOT. MATTER! He is wrong because he is Obama, and Obama is ALWAYS wrong.

I am no fan of the guy, really, but neither am I a fan of ad hominems. You want to know why Obama dragged his feet on giving Libyas rebels air support against Qadaffi? Ask the House Republicans who wrote impeachment legislation calling it "unconstitutional war." Or the ones who later wrote OTHER impeachment legislation claiming Obama should have sent more troops to Libya (even though, they refused to PAY for those troops.) Seriousy, wtf is the point in talking? Obama should just do his thing, win or lose, because as long as the "loyal" opposition is in "impeach first and ask questions later" mode there is no reasoning with them, and trying is a waste of valuable dwindling time.

Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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Obama consistently chooses the worst options in Syria - 30/05/2013 06:28:55 PM 715 Views
It's totally amature hour. - 30/05/2013 11:18:21 PM 286 Views
Amateur. Other than that, I agree with you. - 01/06/2013 05:34:42 AM 240 Views
It's all good dude. Spelling is my kryptonite. *NM* - 03/06/2013 06:55:18 PM 125 Views
Assad is a bad guy, but the folks fighting him arn't any better. - 30/05/2013 11:35:52 PM 290 Views
Pretty much how I look at the whole region. - 10/08/2013 10:22:32 AM 213 Views
This is what happens when you make a community organizer the commander-in-chief. - 31/05/2013 04:24:30 AM 281 Views
Please - 31/05/2013 08:56:15 AM 278 Views
You could have stopped at "I don't like Obama;" the rest is just exposition. - 10/08/2013 10:12:57 AM 221 Views

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