The stream of excuses for failure that we hear from the media and the left has grown old. The bill failed because support is a mile wide and outside of the leftwing base it is an inch deep while opposition was an inch wide and a mile deep. I know Obama doesn’t have much experience leading outside of his base but someone should have told him that he needed stronger support not just broader support. Of course that assumes he is more interested in solutions than issues to fight over, an over generous assumption from the look of things. If Obama and the media had actually tried to sell the bill on its own merits instead of trying to tie it to events that it would have done nothing to prevent then he might have had a chance. Instead that tried to ride the coattails of a barely related tragedy and failed. Got the base worked up into a lather but everyone else changed channels.
They never sold the idea to anyone outside of the faithful that these laws would have any real impact. So yes 90% of the country may say "sure why not" but all but most didn’t think it was important. If Obama would have used some cases were people acquired guns from gun shows when they could not have gotten them otherwise and murdered people he might have made the sale. But he wanted to leverage the big news items that shocked the country even if laws wouldn't have affected them and he failed. Seems like he not only believes he knows better than everyone but that everyone else is too stupid to understand what he is doing.
Maybe he will be a little smarter and little less arrogant with immigration reform but I doubt it. I think it is an easy guess who will be blamed when he fails yet again and it won’t be The One.