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I am in a 100% agreement Roland00 Send a noteboard - 22/04/2013 01:03:30 AM

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If I had a lunatic running around in my neighborhood killing people I would want to be armed.

The problem the democrats have selling the gun controls laws they are trying pass right now is they have not done a very good convincing people they will have any impact. Like your example here people look at Sandy Hook and even though they are frightened and angry the dots don’t connect. If you cannot get a law through the democratically controlled senate that polls at 90% what are the chances you may want to look at your sales tactic and stop trying to hijack a tragedy to sell it.

While I care about this issue, no one seems to be able to sell it to the deeper public as an extreme priority. Hell people haven't sold me it as an extreme priority.

Deaths by gun is sad especially since we can probably cut it in half by a change of culture and regulation. Nobody is willing to do what is necessary to cause the change of culture, thus it will not happen.

Yet the sad part is that you don't have to make big changes, you just have to make a lot of small changes on the margin, it is not a hard problem to solve.

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Great news, Boston Marathon Terrorist #2 was captured alive..... - 20/04/2013 01:46:52 AM 768 Views
Curious - 20/04/2013 03:03:08 AM 560 Views
No..... - 20/04/2013 03:14:41 AM 478 Views
Re: Curious - 20/04/2013 05:25:02 AM 495 Views
showing how dangerous the world can doesn't argue against guns - 21/04/2013 02:29:52 PM 457 Views
I am in a 100% agreement - 22/04/2013 01:03:30 AM 543 Views
The Dems are afraid to focus on handguns..... - 22/04/2013 04:35:51 PM 528 Views
Agreed, great news - 20/04/2013 03:34:11 AM 514 Views
Good that he's caught, but "Too bad his brother died?" - 20/04/2013 04:16:34 AM 550 Views
He will be tried in federal court and executed.....just like McVeigh. *NM* - 20/04/2013 04:31:12 AM 213 Views
Yeah, maybe in like 10 years. *NM* - 21/04/2013 03:44:54 PM 214 Views
I'm thinking 7-8 years, but that overall timeline is likely accurate. *NM* - 21/04/2013 05:27:25 PM 212 Views
Nope, he will not be executed. Massachusetts does not have a death penalty. - 20/04/2013 05:33:50 AM 508 Views
One of those three was Timothy McVeigh - 21/04/2013 02:22:28 PM 440 Views
They ddin't have much choice - 21/04/2013 05:05:09 PM 523 Views
Nice photo summary of Friday night..... - 21/04/2013 05:25:46 PM 564 Views

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