Active Users:399 Time:27/09/2024 10:46:48 PM
I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this point. Jeordam Send a noteboard - 13/02/2013 06:36:03 PM
<Background: Protestant Christian, from the charasmatic side of things>

I'm going to have to disagree with your thoughts on direct witness books vs. other inspired books...and how a church communication can "clarify" by something else. I'm glad that we can have a theological debate around here. I'm sick and tired of politics, gun control, or topics which drive a hard wedge between people. A nice theological debate between two Christians...I'm all in, as we both realize that we're just sinners saved by grace.

So anyways, I can't agree with someone "clarifying" a book of the Bible. All scripture is God-breathed & inspired. From the law stuff described in the OT to the accounts of Christ in the gospels to the letters to the early church from Paul. God inspired those individuals to write down exactly what was to be written down. They don't "need" clarification.

You'll notice that one of Jesus's major issues of the day with the religious leaders was that they were more concerned with the act of the religion rather then the heart behind it. The commandment to keep the Sabbath turned into a fullblown list of what stuff not to do...walking too far...pulling your animal out of a ditch. The religious leaders read keep the Sabbath and put their words/clarification on it, and missed the point entirely.

I understand the value in learning what other people think and gaining wisdom through discussion with others, but when it comes right down to it, the Bible doesn't need your interpretation. It doesn't need clarification. And quite frankly, none of us here on earth are in a possition to say anything like that with any type of authority. None of us can say something we "think" is inspried by God which would "clarify" or "superceed" the Bible.

The RC church isn't "the" church. It was simply the first organized church. It's been around the longest, and as such, has evolved within itself a theology unique to itself. Notice the list of things that have come up in just this thread... religious leaders getting married, female religious leaders, birth control, gay marriage, abortion. The questions that should be asked would be what does the Bible say about these things?

The Bible never said that religious leaders must be unmarried. Paul said that in some circumstances, it would be a wise thing. The Bible never said that a woman couldn't be a religious leader. In fact, there are many notable women in the Bible who were leaders in both the conventional & spiritual. It never says that Christians aren't supposed to use birth control. The only strictures regarding sex is that it was to be within the marriage commitment. It never even said that sex was to be limited to the intention to get pregnant (in fact, see the opposite in Song of Solomon). In regards to same-sex marriage, the Bible is clear (in both OT & NT) that it wasn't allowed. On a side note, you'll see that the only marriages which the Bible says were blessed by God was one man and woman. There are instances of multiple wives as examples, but you'll never see them as being blessed. Their children may have been blessed, but their marriage was not. In regards to abortion, the Bible does take a very dim view on the killing of innocents.

What I'm trying to say is this. The Bible doesn't need us to clarify it...even if we could. We can read. We can study. We can talk about it. Those are good things. Let the Bible say what it says, and let the Holy Spirit talk with you. The last thing that someone needs is religion (a human institution telling you how to act). Instead, what someone needs is a relationship with Jesus. That relationship with Him will bring about what actions are to be done naturally.

ex-Admin at wotmania (all things wot & art galleries)
Saving the Princess, Humanity, or the World-Entire since 1985
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So the Pope has resigned - 11/02/2013 01:01:59 PM 1269 Views
Re: So the Pope has resigned - 11/02/2013 02:29:13 PM 684 Views
As a catholic, I am surprised, but please by the Pope's decision..... - 12/02/2013 03:05:34 AM 639 Views
Re: As a catholic, I am surprised, but please by the Pope's decision..... - 12/02/2013 09:21:30 PM 588 Views
One mistake in my original post..... - 13/02/2013 01:27:48 AM 594 Views
Re: As a catholic, I am surprised, but please by the Pope's decision..... - 13/02/2013 01:35:14 AM 555 Views
Re: As a catholic, I am surprised, but please by the Pope's decision..... - 13/02/2013 03:45:23 PM 637 Views
Luke or Paul? - 13/02/2013 04:36:27 PM 569 Views
That is what I get for only having decaf coffee this morning... - 13/02/2013 05:43:57 PM 637 Views
I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this point. - 13/02/2013 06:36:03 PM 472 Views
Re: I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this point. - 14/02/2013 11:12:34 PM 588 Views
Hate to jump you again but are you sure you mean Timothy? - 14/02/2013 11:54:00 PM 614 Views
Yep, I ment Timothy - 15/02/2013 04:18:21 AM 579 Views
Re: Yep, I ment Timothy - 15/02/2013 11:03:16 AM 605 Views
So Roman Catholic priests CAN marry, under tortuous conditions? Interesting.... - 13/02/2013 03:40:48 PM 513 Views
A priest can't marry, but a married person can become a priest. - 13/02/2013 03:51:02 PM 551 Views
Heh, yeah, I guess I slightly mischaracterized what you were saying. - 13/02/2013 05:54:05 PM 646 Views
There are a bunch of semi-Catholic denominations that allow priests to marry. - 13/02/2013 06:06:13 PM 567 Views
That makes more sense. - 13/02/2013 06:23:36 PM 645 Views
Here's my chance. I'm putting in my application. - 11/02/2013 04:20:52 PM 740 Views
Unfortunately it matters due to the power he has... - 11/02/2013 04:42:25 PM 678 Views
You would like the Roman Catholic Church to do some good FOR ONCE?! - 11/02/2013 08:00:26 PM 749 Views
Well said. *NM* - 11/02/2013 10:55:18 PM 361 Views
You give them too much credit. - 11/02/2013 11:19:06 PM 701 Views
Put on blinders much? - 11/02/2013 11:50:01 PM 634 Views
I lol'd. *NM* - 11/02/2013 11:54:09 PM 330 Views
Grant me Chastity and Continence, But Not Yet! *NM* - 12/02/2013 03:35:26 AM 274 Views
Chastity: A Virtue best found in others *NM* - 12/02/2013 12:53:26 PM 277 Views
and continence too, apparently..... *NM* - 14/02/2013 12:18:22 AM 348 Views
Well said. - 13/02/2013 01:43:47 AM 536 Views
You really don't know how human psychology works, do you? - 13/02/2013 06:28:23 PM 600 Views
..and you don't get that it isn't what people will/may do, but what they should. - 15/02/2013 04:22:26 AM 804 Views
It's not religion, it's HIV or no HIV. - 15/02/2013 10:45:52 PM 581 Views
it's not HIV or no HIV, it is about what people should do. - 16/02/2013 07:02:36 PM 627 Views
Of course they don't have to teach people how to use condoms. - 17/02/2013 10:46:38 AM 560 Views
You're showing some glaring bias and hostility here - 12/02/2013 01:58:17 PM 548 Views
No, you are giving them far too little. - 13/02/2013 03:33:03 PM 562 Views
Oh, that. - 12/02/2013 03:04:42 PM 516 Views
That's such a load - 13/02/2013 01:39:45 AM 616 Views
Oops, I meant to reply here - As a take. - 12/02/2013 03:39:42 AM 672 Views
I'd say the chances are about as good... - 12/02/2013 03:48:29 PM 757 Views
So teh chances are excellent then! Good to know. - 12/02/2013 04:51:43 PM 604 Views
I doubt there's much of a chance of a real progressive. - 12/02/2013 06:38:14 PM 568 Views
IDK, two straight non-Italians? Will they put up with a 3rd? Has that even happened since Avignon? - 13/02/2013 01:46:28 AM 639 Views
Who says Benedict/Ratzinger is straight? - 13/02/2013 04:56:52 AM 551 Views
Don't think so, but the Italians will have to get used to it. - 13/02/2013 06:34:24 PM 557 Views
This will be a very interesting time. - 13/02/2013 06:27:41 PM 680 Views
He's retiring into a monastery in the Vatican, as I understand it. - 13/02/2013 06:42:14 PM 667 Views
Now this would be interesting.... - 13/02/2013 06:51:40 PM 642 Views
Right now I would settle for making up lost ground... - 14/02/2013 05:02:38 AM 553 Views
Pope Bene-victed... - 19/02/2013 07:56:17 AM 784 Views
Hurrah, Ras. I love a good pun or three. *NM* - 19/02/2013 01:55:11 PM 259 Views

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