Active Users:540 Time:27/09/2024 11:20:55 PM
I'd say the chances are about as good... Dragonsoul Send a noteboard - 12/02/2013 03:48:29 PM
For health reasons apparently, though it's come out of nowhere so one does wonder if there is more going on...

Anyway, odds on getting a progressive, forward thinking new leader who promotes birth control (especially in the 3rd world regions), equal rights and who isn't a bigot?

No, I don't think the chances are good either.

As a post from you that isn't complete and utter nonsense.

And thank God for that.
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So the Pope has resigned - 11/02/2013 01:01:59 PM 1269 Views
Re: So the Pope has resigned - 11/02/2013 02:29:13 PM 684 Views
As a catholic, I am surprised, but please by the Pope's decision..... - 12/02/2013 03:05:34 AM 639 Views
Re: As a catholic, I am surprised, but please by the Pope's decision..... - 12/02/2013 09:21:30 PM 588 Views
One mistake in my original post..... - 13/02/2013 01:27:48 AM 594 Views
Re: As a catholic, I am surprised, but please by the Pope's decision..... - 13/02/2013 01:35:14 AM 555 Views
Re: As a catholic, I am surprised, but please by the Pope's decision..... - 13/02/2013 03:45:23 PM 637 Views
Luke or Paul? - 13/02/2013 04:36:27 PM 569 Views
That is what I get for only having decaf coffee this morning... - 13/02/2013 05:43:57 PM 637 Views
I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this point. - 13/02/2013 06:36:03 PM 472 Views
Re: I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this point. - 14/02/2013 11:12:34 PM 588 Views
Hate to jump you again but are you sure you mean Timothy? - 14/02/2013 11:54:00 PM 614 Views
Yep, I ment Timothy - 15/02/2013 04:18:21 AM 579 Views
Re: Yep, I ment Timothy - 15/02/2013 11:03:16 AM 605 Views
So Roman Catholic priests CAN marry, under tortuous conditions? Interesting.... - 13/02/2013 03:40:48 PM 513 Views
A priest can't marry, but a married person can become a priest. - 13/02/2013 03:51:02 PM 551 Views
Heh, yeah, I guess I slightly mischaracterized what you were saying. - 13/02/2013 05:54:05 PM 646 Views
There are a bunch of semi-Catholic denominations that allow priests to marry. - 13/02/2013 06:06:13 PM 569 Views
That makes more sense. - 13/02/2013 06:23:36 PM 645 Views
Here's my chance. I'm putting in my application. - 11/02/2013 04:20:52 PM 740 Views
Unfortunately it matters due to the power he has... - 11/02/2013 04:42:25 PM 678 Views
You would like the Roman Catholic Church to do some good FOR ONCE?! - 11/02/2013 08:00:26 PM 749 Views
Well said. *NM* - 11/02/2013 10:55:18 PM 361 Views
You give them too much credit. - 11/02/2013 11:19:06 PM 701 Views
Put on blinders much? - 11/02/2013 11:50:01 PM 634 Views
I lol'd. *NM* - 11/02/2013 11:54:09 PM 330 Views
Grant me Chastity and Continence, But Not Yet! *NM* - 12/02/2013 03:35:26 AM 274 Views
Chastity: A Virtue best found in others *NM* - 12/02/2013 12:53:26 PM 277 Views
and continence too, apparently..... *NM* - 14/02/2013 12:18:22 AM 348 Views
Well said. - 13/02/2013 01:43:47 AM 536 Views
You really don't know how human psychology works, do you? - 13/02/2013 06:28:23 PM 600 Views
..and you don't get that it isn't what people will/may do, but what they should. - 15/02/2013 04:22:26 AM 804 Views
It's not religion, it's HIV or no HIV. - 15/02/2013 10:45:52 PM 581 Views
it's not HIV or no HIV, it is about what people should do. - 16/02/2013 07:02:36 PM 627 Views
Of course they don't have to teach people how to use condoms. - 17/02/2013 10:46:38 AM 560 Views
You're showing some glaring bias and hostility here - 12/02/2013 01:58:17 PM 548 Views
No, you are giving them far too little. - 13/02/2013 03:33:03 PM 562 Views
Oh, that. - 12/02/2013 03:04:42 PM 516 Views
That's such a load - 13/02/2013 01:39:45 AM 616 Views
Oops, I meant to reply here - As a take. - 12/02/2013 03:39:42 AM 672 Views
I'd say the chances are about as good... - 12/02/2013 03:48:29 PM 758 Views
So teh chances are excellent then! Good to know. - 12/02/2013 04:51:43 PM 604 Views
I doubt there's much of a chance of a real progressive. - 12/02/2013 06:38:14 PM 568 Views
IDK, two straight non-Italians? Will they put up with a 3rd? Has that even happened since Avignon? - 13/02/2013 01:46:28 AM 639 Views
Who says Benedict/Ratzinger is straight? - 13/02/2013 04:56:52 AM 551 Views
Don't think so, but the Italians will have to get used to it. - 13/02/2013 06:34:24 PM 557 Views
This will be a very interesting time. - 13/02/2013 06:27:41 PM 680 Views
He's retiring into a monastery in the Vatican, as I understand it. - 13/02/2013 06:42:14 PM 667 Views
Now this would be interesting.... - 13/02/2013 06:51:40 PM 642 Views
Right now I would settle for making up lost ground... - 14/02/2013 05:02:38 AM 553 Views
Pope Bene-victed... - 19/02/2013 07:56:17 AM 784 Views
Hurrah, Ras. I love a good pun or three. *NM* - 19/02/2013 01:55:11 PM 259 Views

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