This has more to do with resenting all the "...and another thing!" threads on the subject of late.
Isaac Send a noteboard - 09/02/2013 12:18:27 AM
... and I can make that complaint without being a hypocrite because I've opened less political threads than just about anyone who posts regularly on the CMB and they're generally non-controversial.
For the most part the problem is not guns, heck it isn't even violence. People want guns outlawed to decrease the murder rate. I say our goal is to decrease harm done without reasonable cause to other people, including limiting their freedoms and feelings of self-reliance, contorl over their own existence, and personal responsibility. We don't monitor who buys a camera for fear they'll invade someone's privacy, film it, and upload it to the web, and I'd bet that happens more often then shootings and is certainly an immoral and often criminal act, and hardly a minor one. This obsession with spree killers, a statistical hiccup even among murders, is to people like me trying to require camera specific ID stamps to every video or photo - easily circumvented, over-reactionary, and needlessly invasive.
No, you know I don't, but you've an emotional need to assume just about everyone who agrees with me does, in spite of the fact that it very obviously isn't true. It's like someone telling me that *I* am a rare exception to the alleged sexism, racism, and homophobia of the right. Or me proclaiming you a rare exception to the left's pagan mysticism about nature, fascist tendencies, and approval of infanticide. Difference being I recognize that those are rarer and more exaggerated than many on my side think and you operate under the assumption that these things describing your 'enemy' are Gospel.
Why do I have to admit that? Gun control was a major issue in the 90's but got pushed to the back burner after 9/11, if it's been brought up more very recently it is simply that the left feels emboldened by the recent elections. It has come up every time one of these spree killings happen.
I don't consider it 'just a given', I just haven't seen many suggestions from the left that look like they could achieve much useful without too high a cost. The right has proposed several possible partial solutions, these get rejected by the left on the same claim, the price is seen as either too high or counterproductive or both. As to the web tool, I think you're lying to yourself, its primary purpose is an attempt to appeal to people emotionally, personally I don't think it will be very effective, but that isn't my objection here. My objection is to you posting yet another political thread on guns. You're like A2K on his economy posts, you just won't accept that most of us feel over-saturated on the subject. There is a point on any given subject with an audience where virtually every member either has a view that realistically won't change, or simply refuses to read anymore on the subject for now because they feel harassed, or they feel they've absorbed enough for now and need time measured in months to contemplate and consider it. In the meantime the people who keep posting it force others of us to keep rebutting their comments or risk conversions from weariness or an apparent absence of reasoned counter-arguments encouraging someone to think there are none.
I'm not asking you to agree with me, I'm asking you to lay off with the '... and another thing' threads.
sure, from a statistical standpoint this map tool does nothing to break down trends or motivations, even if you read through all 1600+ articles linked to each body in the chart. having all of the deaths represented like this in front of you makes it a bit harder to just pretend that we don't have a real problem with gun violence in this country. and that is the reason i call it more concrete.
Proper word there 'more personal' not 'concrete'. I also resent the implication I'm 'pretending' we don't have a gun violence issue, I simply don't believe the suggested treatments by the left are worth the cost, I view them as parallel to using homeopathic or alternative medical remedies. Ineffective, inefficient when they have positive effect at all, and often doing nothing or even making things worse, all under the justification that 'we have to do something', which is not a good reason to shoot a cancer victim up with snake oil.
we have laws which prevent law enforcement from not only tracking guns used in crimes, but prevents law enforcement from prosecuting dealerships which sell guns to criminals. and also prevents statisticians from keeping records on gun crimes. most of us in favor of stricter laws believe that these are the first which should be enforced, or the barriers which were erected to prevent their enforcement taken down so that police can do their job to catch people who commit criminal acts with guns.
For the most part the problem is not guns, heck it isn't even violence. People want guns outlawed to decrease the murder rate. I say our goal is to decrease harm done without reasonable cause to other people, including limiting their freedoms and feelings of self-reliance, contorl over their own existence, and personal responsibility. We don't monitor who buys a camera for fear they'll invade someone's privacy, film it, and upload it to the web, and I'd bet that happens more often then shootings and is certainly an immoral and often criminal act, and hardly a minor one. This obsession with spree killers, a statistical hiccup even among murders, is to people like me trying to require camera specific ID stamps to every video or photo - easily circumvented, over-reactionary, and needlessly invasive.
i'm not saying you, specifically Isaac from RAFO, are pretending there is no gun violence problem,
No, you know I don't, but you've an emotional need to assume just about everyone who agrees with me does, in spite of the fact that it very obviously isn't true. It's like someone telling me that *I* am a rare exception to the alleged sexism, racism, and homophobia of the right. Or me proclaiming you a rare exception to the left's pagan mysticism about nature, fascist tendencies, and approval of infanticide. Difference being I recognize that those are rarer and more exaggerated than many on my side think and you operate under the assumption that these things describing your 'enemy' are Gospel.
but you do have to admit that until the Newtown massacre happened, gun deaths were rarely mentioned unless they were attached to a spectacular story.
Why do I have to admit that? Gun control was a major issue in the 90's but got pushed to the back burner after 9/11, if it's been brought up more very recently it is simply that the left feels emboldened by the recent elections. It has come up every time one of these spree killings happen.
in fact, gun deaths are so mundane to most people that the arguments against stricter laws all center around the fact that the amount of gun violence is just a given for living with "freedom". all this web tool does is put gun deaths front and center for people who would otherwise not pay attention.
I don't consider it 'just a given', I just haven't seen many suggestions from the left that look like they could achieve much useful without too high a cost. The right has proposed several possible partial solutions, these get rejected by the left on the same claim, the price is seen as either too high or counterproductive or both. As to the web tool, I think you're lying to yourself, its primary purpose is an attempt to appeal to people emotionally, personally I don't think it will be very effective, but that isn't my objection here. My objection is to you posting yet another political thread on guns. You're like A2K on his economy posts, you just won't accept that most of us feel over-saturated on the subject. There is a point on any given subject with an audience where virtually every member either has a view that realistically won't change, or simply refuses to read anymore on the subject for now because they feel harassed, or they feel they've absorbed enough for now and need time measured in months to contemplate and consider it. In the meantime the people who keep posting it force others of us to keep rebutting their comments or risk conversions from weariness or an apparent absence of reasoned counter-arguments encouraging someone to think there are none.
I'm not asking you to agree with me, I'm asking you to lay off with the '... and another thing' threads.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
1600 gun deaths and counting since Newtown massacre
06/02/2013 05:40:29 PM
That is a tragic number but the laws they are proposing would have stopped very few of those deaths
06/02/2013 05:53:48 PM
how many responsible owners are going to be selling out of the trunk of their car?
06/02/2013 06:02:43 PM
You will never stop or reduce violence. Ever
06/02/2013 09:01:15 PM
Perhaps, but we can still limit the damage done by controlling access to guns. *NM*
06/02/2013 10:38:06 PM
There's a gigantic difference between the "stop" and the "reduce" you so casually equate. *NM*
06/02/2013 11:21:31 PM
Is there? Without guns the rate of violence will fall heavily?
06/02/2013 11:35:27 PM
Yes, there is.
06/02/2013 11:40:57 PM
there are ways to reduce the violence but new guns laws are not one those ways
07/02/2013 04:29:01 AM
best that we enforce the current laws then, as obama has directed in his executive orders
08/02/2013 05:59:22 PM
violence, probably not as much as we would like. dead by gunshot? most assuredly so
06/02/2013 11:45:39 PM
that is true but that is no excuse for feel good laws that do nothing but restrict rights
07/02/2013 04:24:34 AM
I like how you say 'something more concrete' to describe 'nothing new'
06/02/2013 10:38:35 PM
i guess in this case "more concrete" means "not just swept under the rug anymore"
06/02/2013 11:38:52 PM
I don't believe it has ever been swept under the rug in our lifetimes
07/02/2013 12:40:55 AM
we will have to continue to agree to disagree then
08/02/2013 06:06:38 PM
This has more to do with resenting all the "...and another thing!" threads on the subject of late.
09/02/2013 12:18:27 AM