Re: ok, fine. US HOUSE republicans are destroying the economy, not the GOP as a whole
Isaac Send a noteboard - 31/01/2013 10:15:57 PM
I admit I have on occasions snarled "Those damn democrats are..." or "Those lazy liberal are..." insert hyperbole but I usually take the deep breath before saying it allowed, let alone posting it in text, and brush it up a bit too. Your justification seems to be an impossible to pass symbolic bill by the house, of which there are tons by both sides and more importantly by various sub-factions on each side. That's just kind of trivial as an example of 'nefarious behavior'.
I still I have the best rant ever on the site.
Good luck separating those along partisan lines, generally speaking there are precious few things major political parties will back without a bookshelf worth of papers to back it. There are certainly shelves full of economists who approve of tax cuts during slow economic growth.
I'd be willing to bet I could find as many non-partisan sources saying otherwise, not that non-partisan means damn to me. Claims of neutrality offered while discussing political matters sound like someone caught in a hotel room with a hooker and their pants around their ankles proclaiming their fidelity and high moral fiber.
This is all pretty much 'proof by assertion' here, I totally disagree. Also, a party of elected officials don't hold a budget 'hostage', that's just some talking point, they don't approve of the suggested spending, and a budget isn't a minor item everyone approves of that gets stuck on as a rider to be held hostage anyway.
Thing being you are sublimely convinced it is the House GOP doing this, that the Dem's are somehow innocent and would never do something like what you suggest. That's what flaws the rant. We haven't had a budget passed since the president got elected the first time, it is an annual process, failure to pass one is criminal neglect and I wouldn't mind if the GOP really did put the whole damn government on stop until the Dems agreed that passing a budget is the only non-emergency business that congress should be doing until they get it done.
Again, you think it is my side, most republicans I know say the same about yours, I feel that way too but I choose to assume it is bias on my part, you don't think so. I consider myself a very rational person, just about everyone I know views me as such, and I can't think of anything my party does that I'd call 'crazy', so I choose to assume neither side is crazy. I could say all the things you're saying but flip D for R, problem is I'd feel absurd doing so, again, you don't, and its hard for me to reason with someone who thinks a bunch of people I agree with and support are insane based on the stuff they do, which I primarily agree with, and yet that person apparently thinks I'm sane. So either your view is clouded, or irrational, or you think I'm an absolute idiot who is sane but agrees with crazy people. None of those really lend themselves to a good dialogue.
i'm going to apologize in advance that this is going to be a bit rant-y, so reading past this point may be infuriating....
I still I have the best rant ever on the site.
there is a distinct difference between "flawed policy" and "purposely ignoring facts to try to make a political point that serves no purpose".
Good luck separating those along partisan lines, generally speaking there are precious few things major political parties will back without a bookshelf worth of papers to back it. There are certainly shelves full of economists who approve of tax cuts during slow economic growth.
no matter how many times non-partisan studies show that you can't cut your way to prosperity,
I'd be willing to bet I could find as many non-partisan sources saying otherwise, not that non-partisan means damn to me. Claims of neutrality offered while discussing political matters sound like someone caught in a hotel room with a hooker and their pants around their ankles proclaiming their fidelity and high moral fiber.
and austerity doesn't work during a recession, and that the rich have way more wealth than they've ever had before and don't need any more tax breaks, the House GOP still insists on taking the economy to the brink and holding debt ceiling hostage to try to get more cuts to entitlements and other programs that actually help people struggling to find work. we can civilly disagree all day about plenty of other things policy-wise, but the blame for how badly the general economy has been doing for the last four years at the federal level is a direct result of the republicans in the House trying to pressure dems into accepting cuts to entitlements and other programs, when both sides should come together and pass something bi-partisan.
This is all pretty much 'proof by assertion' here, I totally disagree. Also, a party of elected officials don't hold a budget 'hostage', that's just some talking point, they don't approve of the suggested spending, and a budget isn't a minor item everyone approves of that gets stuck on as a rider to be held hostage anyway.
so instead of working on something that can get through both chambers of Congress, we get hostage-taking and brinkmanship, and the first ever credit downgrade in US history. but still the GOP insists it's obama doing the damage. the latest push to move the debt ceiling vote and the compromise to avoid the "fiscal cliff" tells me things *might* improve soon, but given the talk from people like boehner and cantor, a refusal to allow FEMA to be funded after Sandy not long after begging for FEMA money for their own states' disasters, and a new bill to completely abolish the federal tax code, i'm not holding my breath that things will get any better before that March vote.
Thing being you are sublimely convinced it is the House GOP doing this, that the Dem's are somehow innocent and would never do something like what you suggest. That's what flaws the rant. We haven't had a budget passed since the president got elected the first time, it is an annual process, failure to pass one is criminal neglect and I wouldn't mind if the GOP really did put the whole damn government on stop until the Dems agreed that passing a budget is the only non-emergency business that congress should be doing until they get it done.
i will grant that there are plenty of reasonable people at all levels of politics on both sides of the aisle (and not in a Godfather kind of reasonable way, although that's also a possibility too ). but at the national level, there are way too many loons on your side of things, many of whom signed on to sponsor the current bill to abolish the tax code. i'm sorry that the republicans are currently in the midst of doing lots of crazy things recently that i feel the need to point them out to people. when they stop doing stupid and/or crazy things i promise i'll tone it down and let things happen as they may. i have no problem with the GOP (or dems for that matter) doing reasonable things as a matter of principle. it's when they do crazy stupid things and blame it on principle that i take offense to their actions.
Again, you think it is my side, most republicans I know say the same about yours, I feel that way too but I choose to assume it is bias on my part, you don't think so. I consider myself a very rational person, just about everyone I know views me as such, and I can't think of anything my party does that I'd call 'crazy', so I choose to assume neither side is crazy. I could say all the things you're saying but flip D for R, problem is I'd feel absurd doing so, again, you don't, and its hard for me to reason with someone who thinks a bunch of people I agree with and support are insane based on the stuff they do, which I primarily agree with, and yet that person apparently thinks I'm sane. So either your view is clouded, or irrational, or you think I'm an absolute idiot who is sane but agrees with crazy people. None of those really lend themselves to a good dialogue.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
Here comes another recession - U.S. Economy Unexpectedly Contracts in Q4 -
30/01/2013 07:50:03 PM
Down to the defence spending cuts and inventory restocking halt isn't it?
30/01/2013 08:43:35 PM
Considering the amount of space devoted to the issue of federal spending...
30/01/2013 08:58:21 PM
DK's methods to fix the economy
30/01/2013 09:00:23 PM
do you even read these articles before you spout off?
30/01/2013 09:27:22 PM
Still blaming others, not Obama's fault, your messiah is perfect. Got it, thanks! *NM*
31/01/2013 12:30:19 AM
well, i suppose if a tree fell on your head you'd still blame obama for it, so whatever.... *NM*
31/01/2013 01:04:45 AM
He's not half as bad as a lot of people were about Bush, and no worse than you
31/01/2013 03:47:32 PM
ok, fine. US HOUSE republicans are destroying the economy, not the GOP as a whole
31/01/2013 06:08:59 PM
Re: ok, fine. US HOUSE republicans are destroying the economy, not the GOP as a whole
31/01/2013 10:15:57 PM
Re: ok, fine. US HOUSE republicans are destroying the economy, not the GOP as a whole
04/02/2013 10:06:05 PM
There's some very rose-colored glasses comments in there
05/02/2013 02:53:55 AM
And here we had Helicopter Ben talking about ending QE earlier than expected
31/01/2013 10:12:44 AM